Call Me Yo

Betty sent me a goodbye letter in the mail today. I guess she was too chicken to stick around in Forest. But that’s fine by me; she was a little tough to live with anyway.

Over by the river, Puck told me he wished Forest had a heated pool. But he’s a penguin! Why would he want the pool to be heated? Genji was also nearby, but he refused to back the idea.

Puck: Yeah... I really wish Forest had maybe a heated pool or something...

Up in Nookington’s, I saw a whirly shirt for sale. It’s not a shirt that I recall seeing very often, and I don’t know if I’ve ever worn one before. But I decided to give it a spin.

Tommy: That would be a whirly shirt you're looking at.

As I approached Maple’s house, she quickly went inside. Was she avoiding me? I followed her in to chat for a bit, but she told me it was her bedtime. It was only 6:30 p.m.! That’s beary early to go to sleep; I think she was lying and couldn’t bear to be honest with me.

Maple: Maybe you're just starting your day, but mine's almost done! It's my bedtime, and I'm going to bed.

I found a new house in town, and it belonged to this headband-wearing pig named Hambo. I’ll have to invite him over for dinner sometime.

Hambo: Folks call me Hambo. What about you? You have a name or should I just call you yo?
Call me yo.

When I had a chat with Belle, she was being unusually nice. She offered me some free wallpaper or carpeting as a gift. I chose the carpet, and she gave me an imperial tile. But then she accused me of sniffing (?) and she deduced that I thought it wasn’t good enough for me. I don’t know where she gets these ideas.

Belle: ...What? Did you just sniff? Do you have some kinda problem, in a tutu?She ended up calling me an unappreciative big baby, even though I didn’t do anything to cause her to become such a mad cow.

Belle: You got it for free! FOR FREE, you big baby! Show some appreciation, in a tutu!

But if she’s going to be mad at me, I might as well give her a reason. So I got my net out and beat her with it. Such bovine divine revenge.

I finished my walk around town, pulling all the weeds I could find (which was a lot). I stopped at the post office and the dump before returning home and ending my night in Forest. See you next time!

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