Another Space Station?

I received Joey’s goodbye letter in the mail tonight. He said he’ll send me a sandwich from his new town! Sounds good! Or at least, it would sound good if he wasn’t lying to me. 🙁

Dear Jeff, I'm hitting the road, but don't be sad! I'll send you a sandwich or something from my new town. Good-bye! -JoeyWhen I visited Curly, he was telling me that he sweats a lot. Odd, because pigs don’t actually sweat that much. That’s why they need to roll in mud to cool off. But basically, he was just asking me for a new shirt to soak up all his sweat. What a lovely image. 😛

Curly: Look, it's no secret that I sweat a lot, am I right, nyoink?Over by town hall, my new tree has produced some fruit!

An apple tree, with oranges below it on the ground.

I shook off the new apples and planted three new apple trees.

Baabara asked me to deliver a letter to Puddles, and I agreed to help out. Even though I didn’t peek at the letter, Puddles showed it to me anyway. Apparently, Baabara’s been shaking it (her butt) to soul (music). 😀

Oh no, Puddles! I got your letter. Yes, yes, you're the smartest. Lately, I've been shaking it to soul. -From BaabaraI returned to Baabara to tell her I made the delivery (and to laugh at her), and she rewarded me with a space station. Odd, because Kiki just gave me a space station on Tuesday! Why do all my villagers think I need space stations? Are they trying to say I think the world revolves around me? I’m so offended that I might just moon Baabara! 😛

Baabara: Maybe you'd like my space station!
Maybe I’d like to kick your butt to outer space.

Anyway, I then rolled up two snowballs and built my first snowman of the season. Unfortunately, he wasn’t perfect. Maybe I should have made the head a bit smaller?

Snowman: Y'know, I always thought I'd be a little more... uh... snowman-ish, y'know?
Y’know you’re lucky I made you at all, y’know?

At the museum, Blathers was talking about his fear of bugs again. He said he’s going to talk to his sister Celeste about it. This sounds familiar, so I’m wondering if this is repeated dialogue I’ve seen before, or if it’s something new. I’m not 100% sure.

Blathers: Oddly enough, she is rather comfortable touching them.After he identified three fossils for me, I went downstairs to hear some music. K.K. played K.K. Etude for me. The one time I actually wanted to hear something upbeat, he played me a sad song. 😛

It was nearly 11:00 after the show ended, so I ran over to Nookington’s and sold my three fossils. Right after I exited the shop, the clock struck eleven and the store closed. Whew, close call. I then went over to town hall to make a 25,000 bell mortgage payment before ending my game for the night.