Earthbound – Tessie

Time for an Earthbound update. After rescuing Paula, I had The Runaway Five (a band) take me on their tour bus from Twoson to Threed. They dropped us off and left. The whole town seems to be haunted.

Earthbound - Threed hauntedAfter following a mysterious woman into a hotel, I found out it was a trap. Ness and Paula were locked in a dungeon of sorts. Fortunately, Paula has some psychic abilities, so she sent a telepathic message to some guy named Jeff (what a weird name). So he sneaks out of his dorm (in the land of Winters) to look for the Loch Ness-style sea monster called Tessie. The Tessie-watchers there were so polite.

Earthbound - Tessie watchers fartingAfter a night’s rest, Tessie gave me and my monkey helper a ride to the other side of the lake.

Earthbound - Riding TessieI then went through a mini-dungeon maze known as Brick Road. I then saved my game there.

Earthbound - Brick Road