Meteor Shower

I got to witness my first meteor shower in Animal Crossing: New Leaf tonight. The shooting stars are brighter and stand out more than they did in previous games. They look really nice.

A shooting star flies by during the meteor shower.Big Top was out walking around, and he asked me for a piece of fruit. I found a peach for him and he gobbled it down.

Big Top, eating a peach: Down the hatch!He gave me an aqua polka tee to thank me. A bit later, I spotted Gulliver on the beach.

Gulliver: Mmmm... Lizzy... But you were my lobster...And just like last time, he went a bit overboard with the puns.

Gulliver: Oh, man. I think my cage got rattled pretty bad. I'm feeling a little birdbrained at the moment.Gulliver: Get it? Cause I'm a bird...? HA! HA! HA! I quack me up!Anyway, his clues indicated he was on his way to the Netherlands. So he will send me a gift from there soon.

I was on my way to Main Street when the railroad crossing signaled the train was about to cross. So I had to wait for the train to go by before I could pass through.

Me having to stop and wait at the railroad crossing.In Nook Homes, I talked to Lyle; he confirmed that basements are not judged with the rest of your house in New Leaf.

Lyle: If you got a room, they'll grade it. Everything but the basement.And over in T&T Mart, my fortune cookies were good for a Blue Falcon and a 1-up mushroom.

Timmy: Ah, congratulations! The prize for Number 34 is great--a Blue Falcon!Then I decided to try something out. I had one fossil (amber), two peaches, and a zebra turkeyfish in my pockets. I wanted to compare the prices of T&T Mart and Re-Tail. Timmy offered me 1,440 bells for those items. I then took them to Re-Tail, where Reese offered me 1,800 bells for those same items! So I’m going to avoid selling things to the little Nooklets from now on. Unless Re-Tail is closed and I need money, of course.

Anyway, I returned home to take a look at my Blue Falcon.

The Blue Falcon (from F-Zero) on display in my house.By now, my battery light on my 3DS was flashing red, meaning my battery was about to die out. So I stopped playing at this point.

Nintendo has released a third video in their Animal Crossing New Leaf series, Inside the Treehouse. This time, they talk about what it’s like when you first move into town. Check it out if you’d like:

UPDATE: I started up the game again tonight to see how much more money I needed to donate for the Dream Suite. Since I was just a few thousand bells away, I did some fishing for a while. I also saw Harry walking around outside.

Harry: That's how new ideas are born! So let's birth some ideas! GAHAHA!I just smiled, nodded, and slowly walked away. After a couple trips back to Re-Tail, I had enough money! I went to the train station and gave Lloid the donation. I then returned to town hall, where Isabelle confirmed that the Dream Suite would be done tomorrow!

Isabelle: We've met our collection goal for the Dream Suite project! It should be complete tomorrow!And with that, I’m off to bed. Check back tomorrow for more!