Catching a Scorpion

I got a letter in the mail from Benedict. He thanked me for coming over to his house yesterday. He also sent me a juicy-apple clock.

I then took a cherry to Shrunk at Club LOL and he taught me the resignation emotion.

Shrunk: He used to say, "This company isn't grand enough for a man like me. Someday I'll show them and quit!"I returned to town and talked to Rolf. He told me he had some wicked heartburn.

Rolf: Uggh. I ate too much greasy food, and now I have wicked heartburn.He wanted me to find some fruit for him to have for dessert. So I found an apple for him, and he thanked me by giving me a cycling shirt in return.

I noticed there was a tent over at the campsite; Lionel had set up camp.

Lionel: Oh, I'm not anyone suspicious! My name's Lionel. I'm just out camping in Forest.Unlike my first two campers (Molly and Rolf), I had no interest in convincing Lionel to move into Forest. But I still played one of his games. I didn’t win, despite getting two of three guesses correct. So I had to buy his colorful wheel for 1,780 bells. I took the colorful wheel to my house to see what it looked like…it reminds you of the Wheel of Fish Fortune.

The colorful wheel item. It spins when you use it.It spins by default; pressing the A button will make it stop on a number. It’s a pretty cool thing to have.

Back outside, not far from Lionel’s tent, was another tent. Crazy Redd was there, selling his art. I know the scary painting he had was fake because I had bought it before and found out the hard way. One of the other paintings didn’t look right either, so I decided on a calm painting. I think I have about a 50/50 chance at it being real. I’ll find out tomorrow.

Redd: Whoa! I see you've got eyes only for that calm painting there! I'd say it has eyes for you too!Back outside, I saw Phineas! He had a new badge for me, the Skilled Angler badge, for catching a lot of fish.

I got the Skilled Angler badge! It's proof I've caught a lot of fish!He didn’t have any other badges for me, but my bug count is only two behind my fish count. So I bet I’m very close to earning my next bug badge as well.

Speaking of which, when I crossed my bridge, I saw something crawling…a scorpion! I got my net out and slowly walked towards it. Score! This is my first scorpion in New Leaf, and it’s going straight to the museum. I still need to find a tarantula though. Maybe next time.

I caught a scorpion! Not so fast now, are ya?!UPDATE: After a late night trip to the island (and some nice bug-catching), I earned enough money to pay off my pyramid! It’ll be complete tomorrow!

Isabelle: We've met our collection goal for the pyramid project! It should be complete tomorrow!And Big Top gave me a new nickname, boss!

Big Top: Right on! Here it is, your brand-new nickname: boss!

4 thoughts on “Catching a Scorpion”

  1. Thanks for replying me so quickly Jeff. I thought it would take you longer than that. Anyway, thank you replying my other comment on What a Trip too!

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