
I got Skye’s goodbye letter in the mail today. She also attached her picture to the letter.

Skye's goodbye letter.There was a notice posted on the bulletin board reminding everyone that tomorrow is the summer solstice. It’s the longest day of the year, and New Leaf takes it to an extreme: The sun will be out all day (and night) long!

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Emily from Archades was my most recent dream visitor. And in the Happy Homes Showcase, Arnold gave me this indigo pinwheel.

Getting a pinwheel from Arnold.And now that Skye is gone, that means another reject former villager starts appearing on Main Street. I’ll now be seeing Tex for many months to come. Lucky me.

Tex: Oh, what a coincidence, Jeff!At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Wendy came over to visit, and she “accidentally” stole a gold rose.

A guilty Wendy after picking up a gold rose.She tried to replace it with a perfect pear, but I saw through that clever disguise. Later, while she was sitting on a stump, I ate a famous mushroom.

Turning into a giant.Shortly before 11:00, T. Zelda came over, followed by someone else…who disconnected us upon arrival. I reopened, and it was revealed that the “someone” was Saarah. She came over, and T. Zelda and Wendy returned as well. We did some stump glitching…I’m the beetle in this picture.

Several of us standing in the same spot.We talked about tomorrow being both the Bug-Off and the summer solstice, and how Isabelle will be at town hall instead of the event plaza.

Chatting with Saarah and T Zelda.We went out to the island and we were about to begin an easy hide-and-seek tour. And then we disconnected again. I reopened, and Saarah returned, but Wendy and T. Zelda didn’t. I was hiding in town, and Saarah tried finding me. But we disconnected again, and this time I ended my night. Have a good weekend, everyone!