Explorer’s Day

Today is Explorer’s Day (Columbus Day) in the North American version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Isabelle can be found at the event plaza. She hands out sailboat models to commemorate the occasion.

Isabelle: It's a sailboat model! With it, you can really get into the excitement of Explorer's Day!If you haven’t seen the sailboat model before, this is how it looks:

The sailboat model in New Leaf.King Tom doesn’t have Explorer’s Day in jolly ol’ England Tomville, so he came over to get a sailboat model of his own.

Tom41 from Tomville has just arrived in Forest.There’s also a face-cutout standee for the occasion, so Tom and I boarded Kapp’n’s ship and set sail.

Tom41: Row row row ur boat.After our short voyage, I continued to water my flowers. Tom was having some router problems, so he didn’t stick around very long.

A bit later on, Octavian randomly offered me a rocket for free. I appreciate the gift, but is there a reason for it? Is he trying to tell me to leave the planet?

Octavian: You said you wanted a rocket, didn't you?Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Jerome from Jedric was my most recent dream visitor.