Saturday Night Blues

Saharah was in town tonight, and I paid for some new wallpaper and carpet. She put in a lattice wall and a neutral floor. Not bad, but I switched back to my ice stuff right away.

A lattice wall and neutral floor.There was a notice posted on the bulletin board reminding the town of the New Year’s Eve countdown next week. I’ll probably open my gate for the countdown Wednesday night.

~ Notice ~ This year just flew by! Let's all join for a countdown and ring in the new year!When I went in to speak with Amelia, she was insulting my clothing by saying that look is OUT. And yet she’s wearing Marshy, the marshmallow ghost from Halloween! Uh Halloween is way over. :/

Amelia: Strike three, Jeff. That look is OUT. I mean, wear what you want, earnest.Aurora tried to tell me she was moving out on January 1st, but I wouldn’t allow it. She should know better by now. Seriously.

Aurora: Oh, Mr. J! This may seem sudden, but I'll be moving away next month on the 1st.I then rolled the snowball in the above picture over to the event plaza, where I had seen the other one. I made a snowman and rolled his eyes for today’s bingo number: It’s 30.

My bingo snowman rolls the number 30.After completing my trip around town, I went up to Main Street to finish my night with a concert. I had K.K. choose a song to play, and he sang me the blues. K.K. Blues, that is.

K.K. sings for me at Club LOL.