They Want My Bugs

On Tuesday, I finally had a camper (now that I’m able to invite campers to move in). However, it was Clyde the horse. He’s not my mane man or anything, so I had to say neigh nay.

Clyde: I'm here camping in town, so you'll be seeing me around for a bit!Daisy told me that she had a dream about a mantis. Sounds more like a nightmare! I hope you said your prayers before going to bed! 😛

Daisy: I keep having this dream about a mantis.Daisy wasn’t the only one with an eye on the bugs in my pockets. Today, Aurora told me she was painting a picture of a common butterfly…but she didn’t know what one looked like! But they’re all over town!

Aurora: I'm not really sure what a common butterfly looks like. I'm painting without a reference.This evening, I came out of the museum (after having Blathers identify some fossils) and I was surprised by how red the sky was!

A red sky above the museum.My bank account balance reached 67 million bells today…and that was before I went out to the island tonight and caught another 140,000 bells worth of bugs. As for the bugs I catch that aren’t worth very much, they  go to Leila.

Give what?

When I visited Peck, he swore that he wasn’t hiding anything…as he was hiding his face (and his whole body really) behind some furniture!

Peck: I swear! I'm not hiding anything! Ha ha ha!Dizzy has not changed his mind about moving, so he should be all packed up tomorrow. I’m planning on letting Beth adopt him, and Elliott will be the alternate if Beth can’t get him for any reason. So I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow–see you then!