Autumn Moon 2016

Today is the day (well, night) of the autumn moon (known as the harvest moon outside of the Animal Crossing universe). Isabelle was at the event plaza to hand out wheat bundles for the occasion.

Isabelle: To celebrate Autumn Moon tonight, I prepared wheat bundles for everyone. Would you like one?There is also a face-cutout standee at the plaza. You can turn yourself into a scarecrow by sticking your (straw-filled) head through the hole.

The scarecrow face-cutout standee for the autumn moon (harvest moon) celebration.I had a lot of mail in my mailbox today. Gulliver sent me a Big Ben from England, Katie sent me a digital-photo frame, and Daisy finally thanked me for the medicine I gave her earlier this week by sending me a black flannel shirt. I also got a letter from Mom that included a mountain standee.

Later in the evening, Daisy told me that the moon shines as brightly as a sheaf of wheat. I didn’t even realize that wheat shines, so that was quite an illuminating conversation. I still had my doubts about it, but maybe there’s a grain of truth to it.

Daisy: In fact, the moon shines as bright as a sheaf of wheat.Beth invited me over to her town Acorn briefly. While America gets wheat bundles for the autumn moon, Europe and Australia get veggie baskets instead. I had completely forgotten that we get different items for the event. Thanks, Beth!

Isabelle: To celebrate Autumn Moon, I've made veggie baskets for everyone! Would you like one?I also let her visit Forest so that she could pick up a wheat bundle. She wanted to look at the autumn moon, but it wasn’t out yet! I guess it appears later on (it was only 7:15 p.m. in Forest at the time).

After I ended the session, I put both items in my house to take a good look at them. Europeans definitely get the better item; the veggie basket looks great!

A veggie basket and wheat bundle, the items you get on the day of the autumn moon (in Europe and America, respectively).Later on, I went outside to take a look at the autumn moon itself. Looks good enough to howl to, if you happen to be a werewolf like me. Or even if you’re just a bit loony.

The autumn moon seen from my metal bench in Forest. My fountain and illuminated tree PWPs can also be seen.I hope you all enjoy the autumn moon tonight! I’ll see you all next time. Have a good weekend!