Welcome Back, Green Grass!

Just a short update today, mainly to say that the snow is now gone! Grass is green once again, and I changed my frosty ice brick path back to green bricks. Winter is nice in its own way, but I’m glad it’s gone (at least in the world of Animal Crossing).

Green grass, green trees, and my green brick path.On a sadder note, I said goodbye to my last snowmam. I caught (and redeemed) the last of the snowflakes last night.

Snowman, in the green grass of spring: I know, I know... You're thinking, "Wow! That is one resistant snowlady!"I noticed Franklin’s RV at the drive-in campground today, so I went inside to take a look. He has some harvest furniture and some food/cooking related items.

Franklin: I like the look of this place! Not a fork in site!I took a seat to enjoy some pancakes. Don’t worry, I didn’t eat any turkey bacon. 😉

Me sitting in Franklin's RV, near a delicious stack of pancakes.

My recent dream visitors have all had “M” names: Maddy from Dogwood, Madison from LeafLock, and Marta from Another. Thanks for visiting, and enjoy your weekend!