Ice Furniture Set Completed

Kidd was quick to point out that tomorrow is Christmas Eve!

Kidd: Tomorrow is Jingle's long-awaited arrival! Are you as jazzed as I am to see him, J-dog?Saharah was in town tonight, so I paid her for new wallpaper and carpet. She installed a blue-trim wall and an autumn floor. They look nice separately, but not together.

A blue-trim wall and autumn floor.Molly told me that she was going to move out of town on the 28th. Oh no, you’re not.

 I went up to Main Street, and Luna told me that Tienna from Ttown was my most recent dream visitor. And in the Emporium, Tommy made a surprising confession!

Tommy: Ah, I Love You!After my shopping run was over, I returned to town to look for snowballs. I made a bingo snowman and got a new bingo card.

My current snowpeople.My snowmam was on her last legs…err….neck? So I definitely wanted to do some snowflake-searching. I only needed one more ice item, so that meant I only needed five snowflakes. As I searched, Aurora told me that I can achieve lasting happiness if I read a book called Girls’ Guide to Power Tools. WHAT?!

Aurora: What you need to achieve lasting happiness is a book called Girls' Guide to Power Tools.After a trip or two around town, I caught all the snowflakes I needed for a new piece of ice furniture. I took them all to Snowmam and she gave me an ice vanity.

Snowmam: As promised, here is your reward... Please take this ice vanity!That was the last piece I needed! So my ice furniture set is now complete! (Although not all of the items are shown in this picture).

My ice furniture set.As you may know, Miiverse lets you take screenshots of many 3DS games. Even though Animal Crossing: New Leaf already lets you take pictures, the Miiverse method lets you take screenshots of things you can’t normally take pictures of. For example, the touch screen, the title screen, and Isabelle’s opening remarks when you first start up the game. For more details on how it works and how to get the Miiverse pictures to your computer, check out this guide: How to Take and Save 3DS Screenshots.

I’ll be back with another New Leaf blog entry tomorrow, covering the Christmas Eve / Toy Day event. Merry Christmas, everyone!