How to Replace a Shark

This morning, Joan was selling turnips for 101 bells apiece. I bought 3,000 of them.

Joan: The asking price is 101 bells per turnip. What do you think, kiddo?I had some furniture customized, as I usually do, and I have to say I love how this exotic bed came out in black and red. That is one attractive piece of furniture!

Take home the exotic bed?Over by the Roost, Sprinkle asked me for some furniture to replace her shark.

Sprinkle: My shark could be replaced...but I'd have to swap it out with something the same size.But the only furniture on me that was the right size was that exotic bed. I was hoping she’d give me the shark as a thank-you gift, but instead she gave me a game-show stand. Maybe I can host “Whose Shark is it Anyway?”

Sprinkle: It's a game-show stand! Thanks so much!I ordered a couple of western items from my catalog for Wendy and updated my dream town. I then decided to take a trip out to the island. I went on the official gardening tour, where I finished the task with one minute and 46 seconds to spare. That was good enough for a gold Tortimer award and 8 medals.

Completing a successful gardening tour.