Selling Turnips in Tomville

Yesterday, Aurora told me she was going to move out of town on September 28th! But I quickly changed her mind for her.

Aurora: I've decided to move on the 28th of this month.Velma told me she was skeptical of anything she doesn’t see with her own eyes. I’m guessing she means through her glasses too, because she may not be able to see very well otherwise.

Velma: I'm skeptical of anything I don't see with my own eyes.At the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Finnius from Forest was my most recent dream visitor.

Today, Tom’s Re-Tail was buying turnips for 149 bells apiece, so he invited me over to sell my turnips.

Reese: Currently, I'm buying each turnip for 149 bells.His friends Vicky and Vanessa were also there. I was the only one not wearing any weird headgear.

Everyone wearing weird hats or headgear except me.Tom really only opened to let me sell turnips, so he quickly ended the session after I was done. When I returned to Forest, I had some money bags weighing down my pockets, so I deposited some serious bells into my bank account. My balance topped 52 million bells.

Your current balance is 52,400,000 bells.The perfect peach tree in front of the coffee shop died when I shook down the peaches today, but I decided to leave it like that. I thought the dead tree might be a nice decoration with Halloween season approaching.

A dead peach tree.Pecan had a tent set up at the campsite. Of course my town is full anyway, but I still at least said hello. Even if Pecan is a nut.

Pecan: Hey, are you from around here?Just to let you all know, My Happy Home Designer Blog is now online! Please give it a look! I’ll be updating it almost daily, at least for a while. I hope you enjoy it! And don’t worry, I’ll still continue updating this blog too!