Nano Assault Neo Patch, Moonside

The update (patch) for Nano Assault Neo that hit Europe two weeks ago is now also available in America. The patch fixes an error with the GamePad disconnecting (not realizing the Wii U was already shut off), and it also fixes the glitch on the online leaderboards. Before, the flag of your country would block two digits of your rating number. So you might have thought you were #17 when you were really #4217 for example. Here is a before and after look at the glitch.

nan-patch1nan-patch2I’m also still playing Earthbound. I recently got to the town of Fourside, and its ultra-cool, neon-filled counterpart, Moonside.

Earthbound Moonside screenshotThere will be more about Moonside in the near future, so stay tuned.

UPDATE: I have posted a video of Moonside:

Coffee Break

I played some more Earthbound tonight, and I got to a strange place called Saturn Valley. It’s home to Mr. Saturn, and…other Mr. Saturns. Everyone in this town is named Mr. Saturn and they all speak in a strange, hard-to-read font. It’s an odd place.

Earthbound - Mr. SaturnAfter (not) entering a long password behind the waterfall, I made my way to fight a boss known as Master Belch. Needless to say, he belches a lot.

Earthbound - Master BelchAfter defeating him, I returned to Saturn Valley and got to experience one of the most memorable parts of the game: The coffee break. It’s part recap of what’s happened and part motivational speech, presented against a trippy, bubbling background while calm, soothing music plays. It makes you wonder what’s in the coffee. This type of thing is not something that you’d see in a regular video game, but Earthbound is far from a regular game. After my coffee break, I saved my game for the night.

Earthbound - Coffee break

Earthbound – Tessie

Time for an Earthbound update. After rescuing Paula, I had The Runaway Five (a band) take me on their tour bus from Twoson to Threed. They dropped us off and left. The whole town seems to be haunted.

Earthbound - Threed hauntedAfter following a mysterious woman into a hotel, I found out it was a trap. Ness and Paula were locked in a dungeon of sorts. Fortunately, Paula has some psychic abilities, so she sent a telepathic message to some guy named Jeff (what a weird name). So he sneaks out of his dorm (in the land of Winters) to look for the Loch Ness-style sea monster called Tessie. The Tessie-watchers there were so polite.

Earthbound - Tessie watchers fartingAfter a night’s rest, Tessie gave me and my monkey helper a ride to the other side of the lake.

Earthbound - Riding TessieI then went through a mini-dungeon maze known as Brick Road. I then saved my game there.

Earthbound - Brick Road