Castlevania (NES)

Lately, I’ve been thinking about replaying the original Castlevania for NES. I’ve played the game years ago, eventually reaching the final boss, but I never beat the game. So I decided to pick up the game today and give it another try. It was like a trip down memory lane, seeing familiar levels and familiar enemies. And of course, I remembered to check the walls for hidden items and food. It’s a good thing that whoever built this castle remembered to hide food in the walls! Hey! It’s still warm!

cv-2It isn’t long into the game when the challenge picks up. I’ll get reacquainted with a certain type of enemy and I’ll think “Oh, I remember them…I hate them!”  Whether it’s those pesky bats with the irregular flight patterns, those evil jumping hunchbacks, or the notoriously heinous Medusa heads, they make certain parts of the game frustrating.

cv-8The worst part is when you have to jump from tiny platforms while avoiding flying enemies at the same time.

cv-10But despite some initially frustrating areas, I was able to make pretty good progress. Even though Castlevania doesn’t have a save/password feature, it does have unlimited continues. So it’s easy to keep giving it another go.

cv-11I made it up to level 15 or so. But after several tries, my game froze up. I had no choice but to turn the game off and lose my progress. I had a good time playing the game though. It may be old, but the gameplay still stands up well and it’s quite fun to play. I didn’t beat the game today, but I’m going to give it another try soon. Once I do, I’ll be sure to write up a review.

Update: My game continued to crash on level 15, and I eventually had to buy a replacement cartridge. It worked better, and I beat the game in February 2014. My review is here.

The Typing of the Dead

Tonight I started playing The Typing of the Dead for Sega Dreamcast. I actually got the game two years ago and played it some at the time, but I didn’t beat it. It got put away and I hadn’t played it for a while…until tonight.

If you don’t know what the game is, it’s based on House of the Dead 2. But you don’t use guns or even a regular controller; you use the Dreamcast keyboard. To shoot at enemies, you type the words, phrases, or sentences that pop up on-screen. Type fast enough and you’ll kill the zombies and advance. Too slow and you’ll be dead meat. It is an odd combination for sure.

Well, I had a problem when I first tried playing tonight. The Dreamcast didn’t seem to recognize my keyboard! Even though I hadn’t used it in two years, I kept it in its original box safe and sound. I started to disassemble the keyboard to see if anything was obviously wrong, and before I was done, I started up the Dreamcast again. This time, it recognized the keyboard and started up normally. So I put the screws back in the keyboard. But then it didn’t recognize it again! Ugh! So I just turned the system off and on a couple times and then it worked again.

The Typing of the Dead - Sega Dreamcast screenshotI played the arcade mode, which has six levels. I actually got to the boss of the fifth level, which is pretty good for not playing it in so long. I guess I’m a fairly good typist, but I’m going to have to improve some more if I’m going to beat the game.

The game does have other modes besides the arcade mode though, so I’ll be giving them all a try in the coming days.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone! Since it’s that time of year, I thought I’d dig out a “scary” type game to play tonight. I chose Doom. I played several levels, and I was kind of looking for something in particular: A wall that glows and flows with skulls (and presumably blood). I found one in level 15:

Doom for Atari Jaguar screenshotThat’s something I always thought looked cool, in motion at least. But I remember there being another wall like that somewhere else in the game–a long one, I believe–but I’m not sure what level it’s in. Anyway, I ended up recording a video of level 15 for Youtube–check it out here:

After that, I returned to Sonic Adventure. Since last time, I have now completed Tails’ and E-102’s portions of the adventure. Now I just have Amy and Big remaining. And I really hate Big, so I’m working on Amy first.

Sonic Adventure - AmyThat’s all for this time. Enjoy your Halloween, everyone!