Katt’s Last Dance

Today, I saw Digby enjoying a coffee at the Roost. I don’t recall seeing him in there before.

Digby: Ah, hello and good evening!After working a shift and earning superb coffee beans, I went in to say goodbye to Katt. That’s right, this is her last day in Forest! I went inside and did a happy dance. Katt started dancing with me, clearly oblivious to the fact that I hate her guts.

I dance the Shrunk Funk Shuffle to celebrate Katt moving out. Katt also joins in the dance.Back outside, Rory suggest a new public works project: a traffic signal!

Rory: We need a traffic signal in this town, you know?That didn’t sound half bad. But when I went to take a look at it, it’s not quite as nice as I pictured. Where is the yellow light?

Traffic signal PWP: 82,000 bells.The red light tells me to stop. I have no immediate plans to go forward and install it.

I got my jolly painting in the mail from Crazy Redd, and it turned out to be real! Sweet!

Description on jolly painting: Arcimboldo's style was to paint a face as if it were assembled from a bunch of fruits and vegetables.And in T.I.Y., the Nooklings had an ogre mask for sale! Very cool!

Tommy: Ah, an ogre mask! A fine item, yes?I put it in my house, but not somewhere you’d normally see it. You’d only see it if you rotated the camera around. And at some point in the future, someone is going to move the camera around in my house…not knowing/remembering that it’s there…and get freaked out. It might not be soon, but it will happen eventually. I just know it. 😛

Wendy came over to shop, and then we made a quick trip out to the island. We did a gardening tour and an ore tour before I ended the session for the night.

Ugly Animal Visitation Day

I was moving some furniture around in my house today when Big Top came barging in.

Big Top: Yo! Boss!He hung out for a while and gave me a tree standee. After he left, I was able to take a look at it:

My new tree standee on display in my house.I took it to my basement for now. But while I was down there, I grabbed my double-neck guitar so that I could take it to Re-Tail for customization. Once there, I told Cyrus to paint it black.

Cyrus: OK, the body color gets the ol' Cosmos Black design. Good! Simple enough!His projects always take half an hour to complete, so I continued on with my daily tasks. That included working a shift at the cafe. Unfortunately, I’m used to seeing Tabby and Katt in there sometimes. But they’re small beans compared to what walked in the cafe today! It was the queen of ugly animals, Jambette herself!

Jambette: I'll stop by here again the next time I'm in town.
Please don’t.

Speaking of ugly ducklings, Gloria was camping in Forest today. She asked me if she should move into town. HECK NO.

Gloria: Of course if things work out, I may end up moving here. You never know...But her campsite wasn’t the only tent in town. That crazy “cousin” Redd also popped a tent in front of the tree plaza. I went with a hunch and bought a jolly painting.

Redd: I see! Ya seem to be really close to that jolly painting, yeah?A bit later, Rory approached me and suggested that we build a blue bench in Forest. While that’s not exactly an exciting addition, it is nice to finally have a new public works project suggested since it had been a while.

Rory: We need a blue bench in this town, you know?After a quick shopping run on Main Street, I returned to Re-Tail to pick up my guitar.

Take home the double-neck guitar?After that, I made one last stop: the island. Even though I generally only do tours when I’m on Wi-Fi with other players, I decided to play the official ore tour by myself today. I earned a gold Tortimer award and eight medals.

Tortimer: I hope you enjoyed the Official Ore Tour! Tell your friends!I’ll be back with more tomorrow!

Double-neck Guitar Best Buy DLC

Today, I went in to my newly expanded left room. It’s now a 6 x 6 room.

My newly expanded left room.And there was a new message posted on the town bulletin board. It’s a reminder that the first fireworks festival is coming up this Sunday!

~ Notice ~ The fireworks show starts at 7 p.m. this coming Sunday! Don't miss it!While working in the cafe today, an out-of-town visitor came in for coffee. His name is Hamphrey the hamster, and he’s a new animal in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Hamphrey: Gimme a coffee! And make it a Blue Mountain!Even though I didn’t get his order completely perfect, I did get my other customers’ orders perfect. So I still earned superb coffee beans for the day. I went to try to sell them in Re-Tail for 8,000 bells. Rolf came in and had the exclamation point above his head, so I thought he would buy them. But when I talked to him, he said it was too expensive.

Rolf: Hmmmm. Nope! It's not good to waste money like that! I'm gonna pass this time!So I lowered the price down to 7,500 bells. But by then, Rolf was interested in a shirt instead. So I tried to push him back down to the beans. But as I pushed, I accidentally sat up on a stool instead. And of course Reese follows me around everywhere, and Rolf was still fascinated with the shirt, so I couldn’t get down! I’ve made a huge mistake.

Jeff: OMG MOVE!So I was stuck there! Fortunately, Rolf lost interest in the shirt after about 30 seconds, so I was finally able to get down. At this point, I didn’t care about selling my beans and I just wanted to get out of Re-Tail alive. I’ll sell the beans another time.

Back outside, I found the daily money rock. Except today, it was the gem rock! But I was banging my rock, Katt walked right up to me (from out of nowhere) and I was forced to talk to her!

Kat: HmmmmSo I only got five gems out of the rock instead of eight. What a bummer. I’m counting down the days until you’re gone, Katt…

After I was done with my daily tasks, I went to get the latest Best Buy DLC, the double-neck guitar.

Pelly: Sorry to keep you waiting! I hope you enjoy your new double-neck guitar!I believe this is the last of the Best Buy exclusive DLC items. This is what the double-neck guitar looks like:

The double-neck guitar, the Best Buy exclusive DLC.