Meteors, Shopping, and Campers

There was a meteor shower in the skies above Forest tonight. I stopped in front of Re-Tail to wish on a shooting star.

A shooting star over Re-Tail.Agent S told me of her plans to move out of town on September 30th. But I made it clear to her that she’s stuck here.

Agent S: I mean, how can a cute gal like me stay cooped up in one place for long, nutella?Over at the campsite, I met a hamster named Clay. He seems to be wearing a wrestling mask. But mask or not, how intimidating could a hamster possibly be?

Clay: Hey! Are you from this town?I found a lost item on the ground, and I started asking my villagers if it belonged to them. It took me a while to find its rightful owner, Drago. He thanked me for returning his book and he rewarded me with a bunny shirt. Great, just what I always wanted.

Drago: Here's a thank-you gift for your trouble. I hope you like it. It's a bunny shirt!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Sidra from Lakeside was my most recent dream visitor. And in Club LOL, K.K. performed a song called “To The Edge” for me.

K.K.: Enough tuning--let's groove. The next one is for you, Jeff. It's called To the Edge.Aurora was sick today, so I stopped in the Emporium to buy some medicine for her.

Aurora: Thank you very much. I feel a little bit better already.A bit later, Madisyn came over to shop. She heard a shooting star when she first came into town, but then they stopped flying by, so she didn’t get a chance to wish on any of them. I’m pretty sure she scared them all away.

She was feeling cold, so she warmed her butt by the fireplace in the Emporium.

Madisyn warming her butt by the fireplace in the shop.We were going to eat Gracie’s big chocolate bar, but it was too expensive.

Jeff: Let's eat this.Madisyn had to leave before long, but I later visited Wendy’s town for a short visit. I noticed that she put in some path tiles. She previously had all dirt paths, so it must have been a lot of work putting all these tiles down.

Jeff: Ooh, path.Her Re-Tail was buying turnips for 93 bells each, so I sold my remaining turnips. But I’m definitely glad I sold the bulk of them yesterday.

Wendy also had a camper, but hers was a bit cooler than mine. She had Bam the deer.

Bam: Let's have as much fun as we can before it's time to go back home!We returned to Forest so she could shop at my Emporium. But she noticed the meteor shower, and we both wished on a shooting star. Actually, I didn’t even see the one we wished on; I just heard it and pressed the A button.

Wishing on a shooting star we couldn't even see.In the Emporium, I had a little snack.

Eating from the lazy-Susan table in the shop.We went to visit Rolf and we hung out there and joked around for a while. Uh, dogs don’t eat salad.

Hanging out with Rolf and his salad bar.

Night of the Pumpkin Heads

In the Happy Homes Showcase today, I checked out the house of Lynette from Vieques. She had this cool pirate-themed room.

Lynette's pirate room.And over at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Lauren from Newleaf was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting, Lauren!

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Lauren from Newleaf enjoyed your dream.Around 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. T Zelda (TZ), Wendy, and MaryAnn (Yann) came over to visit.

TZ, Wendy, and Yann arrive in Forest.TZ gave me a new Halloween pattern she designed, a “SpookyTile.” All it’s missing is a marshmallow ghost! 😉

Mabel: That design is by T Zelda from Hyrule. It's called SpookyTile.Once everyone was done shopping, we went over to my house.

Hanging out at my house.But Yann decided to trap us and she said she was hungry for pumpkin pie! Oh no!

T Zelda: Don't eat us! DXWe went up to my icy winter room and it was so cold that I lost my fingers to frostbite! Or maybe I didn’t have any to begin with. I’m not sure.

Jeff: Lost fingers to frostbite.We started making “Wreck it Ralph” type names involving throwing up. I don’t remember exactly how it started, but I’m sure it was my fault. A few examples: Puke it Pete, Barf it Bart, and Ralph it Ralph.

Jeff: Upchuck It ChuckYann was wearing an awesome Sonic shirt!

Wendy, Jeff, and Yann.As you can see, I was changing between several Halloween masks throughout the night. After being mummified, I went to visit Drago. It must have been his dinner time.

Drago: Yay! My appetite is ready and waiting, nutella!Over by the town tree, we were enjoying a sprinkle from our golden cans.

Us sprinkling water from our water cans.T Zelda wanted us to check out the official dream town of Nintendo of Japan. I’ll try to check it out soon. The dream address is 0000-0100-0017 if you’re interested.

Japan Nintendo 0000-0100-0017 Don't forget to check out stuff from Cat Mario show Tomodachi & Pikmin along with awesome designs. -TZTZ then took her pumpkin off and realized that her head stinks.

T Zelda: Now my head reeks.TZ then left for the night, and almost immediately, someone else tried to come in. However, that person ended up disconnecting us all. I reopened my gate, and Wendy and MaryAnn returned. Mew also came over for a visit.

Wendy, Mew, MaryAnn, and Jeff.We all went out to the island and we went on a scavenger hunt tour. We earned a silver Tortimer award.

Finishing up a scavenger hunt tour.I asked everyone if we should go on another tour, but Wendy wasn’t around. She was busy getting attacked by a sea serpent or something, so we pushed her outside and started catching bugs and fish until she returned. For some reason, everyone really wanted my olive flounder.

Mew: It's mine now.And even though Mew wasn’t part of the uplifting discussion earlier, I kind of brought it up again.

Jeff: Spew It MewAfter a while, we returned to Forest, where Gala asked me for some furniture to replace her Arwing!

Gala: I'm in the middle of redecorating my place, and I really want to replace my Arwing.I didn’t have any 4-square items on me, so I asked if anyone else had any. Mew gave me a ranch table for her, so thank you, Mew! We joked that Gala would give me some kitty litter for Mew, and Gala ended up giving me a sandbag for it. I was hoping Gala would give me her picture…that’s what Wendy was hoping for too, since I told her she can have Gala once I get her picture.

Yann was running around my town tree, and she was having a bad luck day. She kept falling on her face!

Yann falling on the ground.We went up to my house and Mew started talking about how I’m a bad mayor just because I beat my animals. But I told her they deserved it! But Queen Mew tried to take over Forest! Ha!

I, Queen Mew, Master of Kittan, Kahleesi of animals, and Ruler of all, am taking ahold of Forest. Your animals can lie in my new empire or die in their old one. -MewWe were shooting our slingshots (pew, pew!) and I accidentally spoke with Kidd. He told me I couldn’t hit him with the slingshot because he’s too fast for me! Ha! He couldn’t outrun Booker!

Kidd: Just so you know, you can't hit me with that slingshot, all right? I'm too fast for you! Hah ha!At 1:00, we went over to my modern clock. Mew tasted the rainbow.

Mew appears to stick her face through my modern clock.After that, I ended the session for the night. My Re-Tail was buying turnips for 134 bells. That’s not a lot, but tomorrow is the last day for turnips and I didn’t want to lose money for the week. So I sold 2,400 of my turnips. This allowed me to at least break even on the week. So whatever I sell my last 1,000 turnips for tomorrow, it’ll be 100% profit.

That’s all for tonight. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Flowery Painting

I saw a balloon present flying by my cliff today, and I tried to see if I could pop it with my shovel. Recently, I saw in Wendy’s blog that she was able to pop a balloon with her axe. I swung my shovel, but I missed.

Missing the balloon present.But after that, as I was just standing there, the tip of my shovel popped the balloon. It caught me a bit off-guard, so I didn’t quite take the picture in time; the present had already fallen to the beach below.

Standing on a cliff after the tip of my shovel popped a balloon present.I ran into Gala a bit later, and she asked me for a new catchphrase. My advice was for her to say pork chop.

Gala: I'm going to use it all the time. Pork chop, pork chop!I got my flowery painting in the mail from Crazy Redd, and it was the real deal! I went up to the museum to donate it to the art gallery there. The title of the flowery painting is Sunflowers.

Flowery painting title: SunflowersI only need three paintings and two statues until my museum is complete.

Over in the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Kelly from My Town was my most recent dream visitor. And after completing my shopping run (which rarely consists of buying anything aside from fertilizer), I then tracked down Saharah. I paid her 3,000 bells for new wallpaper and carpet; she installed this backyard fence and dotted rug in my main room.

A backyard fence and dotted rug.