First Fireworks of 2015

This morning, I bought some turnips from Joan. She was selling them for 93 bells each, and I bought 4,100 of them.

Joan: The asking price is 93 bells per turnip. What do you think, kiddo?Later on this evening, Pete handed me a letter from Nintendo. Now through August 15th, you can pick up a cucumber horse from Nintendo Zone locations. The cucumber horse was also in ACCF.

From 8/2 to 8/15, the cucumber horse is available via Nintendo Zone!I headed up to the post office to pick it up, and Phyllis handed it over.

Phyllis: Oh, all right. Here's the cucumber horse!It looks just like it did in City Folk; it’s a cucumber on a stand. Unfortunately, it cannot be ordered from the catalog.

Cucumber horse: Not for sale.Of course, tonight is the first fireworks festival of 2015! I made sure to look up at the sky to enjoy the sights.

Watching fireworks.The animals were enjoying the fireworks too. In fact, they couldn’t stop talking about them!

Agent S: I can hear these fireworks and FEEL them too! They're all, like, KA-BOOM in my heart!Molly was blown away by them.

Molly: Ooooh! Aaaah!The fireworks even blew up the moon!

The fireworks made it look like the moon was blowing up.Isabelle was at the event plaza; she gave me a star bopper for my head.

Wearing a star bopper I got from Isabelle.Crazy Redd had a stand where he was selling cookies. Each one has a ticket inside, which may be a winner or a dud. I bought one, and it was a dud.

Redd's Cookie. Too bad! You got a dud prize!But I still got a consolation prize for the losing ticket: A sparkler.

Me joyfully setting off a sparkler.After that, I stood on the bridge and watched the fireworks for a while.

Watching fireworks from my bridge.If you missed the fireworks festival tonight, don’t worry. August has five Sundays this year, so you’ll still have four more chances to see the fireworks.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Joshua from Rosewood was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

Tiny Flames

Yesterday, Ozzie the koala was camping out down under the stars. I didn’t ask him to move in, but I may be less selective about who I ask to move in. That’s because I still need some public works projects (PWPs) to be suggested by snooties and uchis. But Ozzie is neither of those personalities.

Ozzie: You're from this town, aren't you?Today, Reese was paying 133 bells for turnips, so I sold them all. I keep saying this every week, but hopefully next week will be the week when the prices spike.

Reese: Currently, I'm buying each turnip for 133 bells.Dizzy asked me if dragonflies spit tiny flames. That would be pretty cool, but sadly, they are not mini dragons.

Dizzy: Do you think dragonflies spit tiny flames? That's something I've always wondered.Once I was done in town, I headed up to Main Street. In the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Dom from Dobutsu was my most recent dream visitor. And in Club LOL, I had a little chat with Skye the wolf.

Skye: Knowing I might run into you in Forest makes me want to visit here even more!I took in a Saturday night show from K.K. Slider. He performed K.K. Steppe for me.

K.K.: Enough tuning--let's groove. This next one is for you, Jeff. It's called K.K. Steppe.I’ll be back tomorrow night with another entry. It’ll be the first fireworks festival of the year!