Molly’s Birthday

I got my club tee and mohawk wig in the mail from Timmy & Tommy, so I put on my new clothes and headed up to Shampoodle. I dyed my hair green (with help from the hair guide, of course) and that transformed me into Mohawk McClover!

My transformation into Mohawk McClover.If you’re not aware, Mohawk McClover is this character you see above (although I should probably get some green eye contacts too) that I’ve been turning into every March since 2009. It’s become a St. Patrick’s day tradition of mine.

But today is a special day for a different reason: It’s Molly’s birthday! So of course I paid my favorite ducky a visit. She was celebrating with her good friend Daisy. Video game ducks and dogs sure seem to be getting along better since Duck Hunt was added to Smash Bros.

Molly: Aww, cupcake! You came to celebrate with me? I'm so happy, ducky.Molly asked me for a present, and I gave her a customized zero lamp. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to care for it.

Molly: Wow, a zero lamp! I'm uh, touched. Thank you.
Hey, a zero lamp is greater than nothing!

Daisy was just happy to see Molly enjoying herself so much.

Daisy: Molly seems to be having a great time! I think we can call this a successful birthday party.After I left the party, I ran into a villager wasn’t nearly as happy. Velma was carrying around a shovel for unknown reasons, and she was being really defensive about it.

Velma: In case you're wondering what I'm doing with this shovel, it's none of your business!
You were trying to plant a Scooby snack tree, weren’t you?

Naomi the cow was camping in a tent at the campsite. She hinted that she might like to move in, but Forest has no room for her.

Naomi: Hey there, I'm Naomi. I'm just in Forest camping for a little while.And even though you’d think I’d have the luck of the Irish wearing all green like this, I was actually having a bad luck day. I kept falling on my face all over town.

Me falling on my face on the ramp.Me falling on my face at the event plaza.My most recent dream visitor was Lucy from Tokyo. Thanks for stopping by!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention it, but Dizzy did ping me and I got him to stay in town. Also, just a reminder that Friday Night Forest is Friday at 10pm Eastern U.S. time.

Peck’s Rumors

Yesterday, Molly told me she was smitten with my exotic chest!

Molly: Can we talk for a second about your fantastic exotic chest? I'm completely smitten!She gave me a nine-ball tee for it. Not a good trade for me, but I don’t mind helping out Molly.

When I visited Aurora, she told me she was just about to write a poem about a vitamin jar. That seems like an odd topic, but it shouldn’t be hard to write about. In fact, it’s as easy as A-B-C!

Aurora: I was just sitting down to write a poem about a vitamin jar.It was raining outside, and the rain brought out the violent side of Rolf. He said he was so sick of the rain that he wanted to punch every raindrop in its nose! I haven’t seen him this angry since he mauled Siegfried and Roy!

Rolf: I've had it with this rain. I just wanna take each drop and punch it in its rainy nose!
If you hate it that much, why not go in your house?

After depositing some money in the bank, my balance topped 63 million bells.

Over by town hall tonight, Peck told me that he had a dream of Olivia from Go Away. Haha, that made me laugh.

Peck: Olivia from Go Away appeared in my dream recently.I talked to Peck again a bit later, and he told me that Dizzy was toying with the idea of moving out of town. Oh, and Dizzy was standing right behind him.

Peck: I heard Dizzy has been toying with the idea of moving.But then he backtracked a bit, wondering if the rumor was that Dizzy just likes toys that move. Dizzy didn’t confirm or deny the rumors.

Peck: Or maybe the rumor was he likes toys that move? I forget.I couldn’t get Dizzy to ping me, so I was unable to talk him out of moving. Hopefully I’ll be able to do that tomorrow (or at least sometime before he actually packs up).

Velma was walking around town holding a fishing rod. She said she was fishing because she needs the money to buy some new boots.

Velma: Come on, fishies. Mama needs a new pair of designer boots!
Fishing tip #1: You need to be near the water.

I was planning on turning into Mohawk McClover today (as I’ve already done in ACCF), but I realized I didn’t have my club tee or mohawk wig in storage. I’ve ordered them from the Emporium though, so I’ll be all ready for next time.

My recent dream visitors have been Ian from Chestnut and Sammee from Nowhere. Thanks for stopping by!

Helpful Goats

As the calendar turns to March, new bugs are available in the world of Animal Crossing. Most notably, the butterflies have returned! While common butterflies like this aren’t worth very much, their presence makes it easier to rack up your total number of bugs caught for badge purposes.

I caught a common butterfly! How could I resist?Yesterday, my old friend Puck was camping out at the campsite. I wouldn’t mind having him around, but my town is full.

Puck: Are you from this town?For a long time, my goats weren’t helping me out with PWP suggestions. That was particularly annoying because that’s why I let them stay here in the first place. But things are getting better lately. Velma and Pashmina each suggested a new PWP in February, and now Velma has suggested another in March: This time, she told Isabelle of her desire for a tower.

Velma: Good. So I think I'm going to tell Isabelle my bright idea. We need a tower!Even though I don’t plan on building the tower, I am trying to unlock all of the PWPs (except for the bridges I don’t have, which can’t be unlocked while I have three bridges already). But here is a look at the tower.

Tower - 726,000 bells.I made a delivery to Dizzy, and he seemed a bit too excited to discover that the item was a trash bin.

Dizzy: Wow! A trash bin!He thanked me for making the delivery and rewarded me with a royal shirt.

Tonight, Velma told me that she was planning on moving out of town on March 8th. Even though I really want to get some fresh blood in this town, I can’t let her go when she’s finally starting to suggest some PWPs for me. Keep it going!

Velma: What I'm trying to say is that I'm moving away from Forest on the 8th of this month.In the Nintendo Direct today, Nintendo announced that series 4 of the Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards will be released on June 10th. Interesting that they’re announcing Series 4 when the Series 3 Amiibo Cards aren’t even out yet (although you can pre-order them).

They also announced that Isabelle Amiibo figures will be released separately, so you won’t have to buy Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival to get her.

My recent dream visitors have been Bri from MorganCy, Fingus from Catville, and Peyton from Lonoke. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you next time!