Time Capsule Fail

Yesterday, Pashmina asked me to bury a time capsule for her.

Pashmina: Will you bury a time capsule for me?

Pashmina: Heh... We'll just tuck it into your letter slot, OK? Bury it soon! And do NOT open it! Or you die!Since the capsule goes into a letter slot instead of my pockets, it’s easy to overlook it…and I did just that. I completely forgot about it until today. No problem, I thought: I’ll just bury it now. One problem though…I couldn’t.

The only options were Read and Quit.I knew not to read it (they hate that), so I left it alone. I figured I should track down Pashmina and see what she suggested (if anything). She was shocked to hear the news.

Pashmina: Hold up! You haven't buried my time capsule yet, have you?

Fortunately, she didn’t kill me. But she did demand the time capsule back so that she could bury it herself. Oops.

Pashmina: Well, fine! I'll just bury it myself! Give it back, please.Gulliver was down on the beach, talking of visiting a tropical island where people dance the hula while they wear grass skirts. He’s off to Hawaii of course, and he’ll be sending me a gift from there tomorrow.

Gulliver: It's a resort! It's a tropical island! It's a... Well, if I could just remember, I wouldn't need your help right now.As I headed up to Re-Tail, Elise pinged me. She told me that she and Forest go together like cream soda and french toast. So she’s moving out of town on May 14th! That’s Saturday! Woohoooooo!

Elise: So I'm moving out of Forest on the 14th of this month. I hope you understand, Jeff.

Friday Night Forest is tomorrow, so I’ll be back with another blog entry late tomorrow night.

Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day in America, and I got this letter from Mom in the mail.

Dear Jeff, Your dad actually helped me with the housework today. If only it could always be like this. It's Mother's Day! -MomShe also attached some pink carnations to the letter. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! 🙂

There was a meteor shower in the skies above town tonight, so I stopped by my bridge to look up and wish on a few shooting stars. 🙂

Wishing on shooting stars.Peck’s recent exit opened up a new spot on Main Street for a former villager to start appearing. That villager was none other than Octavian!

Octavian: Confession time: I came by because I was missing Forest. Isn't that just like me?It was good to see him again. After eight firm handshakes, he told me he might pop into the museum later on. I bet he wants to slip into the aquarium and go for a swim!

Octavian: I imagine the museum is still open, so maybe I'll pop my head in later.

My recent dream visitors have been Tim from Forest and Xavier from Quigley. Thanks for visiting! And I hope you all had a nice Mother’s Day. 🙂 See you next time!

Not Happy About Hippeux

The bad part about only having eight villagers is that you can get random move-ins. And that’s what happened; I found a house plot for Hippeux the hippo yesterday.

The plot for Hippeux's new house.The good news is that it’s in a good location. It’s close to the lighthouse and no roses or paths were disturbed.

His house was built overnight, and I went in to meet him today. This is where the bad news comes in. Yikes…

Hippeux: I just moved here. I'm Hippeux, and here's the one thing to know about me. I like cafe au lait.
I was not saying hip, hip, hooray, that’s for sure.

I miss Peck already. Facing the reality that Forest was now home to both Elise and this new hippo thing, I decided I’d rather live in a dream world. So I headed to the town of Kefton, which Tom recommended to me. The dream address is 4800-2342-0401 (update: it’s now 4E00-0023-C552). While the town itself isn’t amazing, the home of the mayor (SiO) has some very unique rooms…including a rainbow of beds.

Rainbow beds.The house also has a complete chess set and this golden throne room. I’ve seen throne rooms before…but not like this!

Throne room full of golden toilets.And then there was this room. Wheat for it…

Wheat and watermelon room.I don’t even know what in the world this is. Is it a face? Why the watermelon chairs? It’s just so bizarre…but it’s unique. After visiting tons of dream towns, I’ve grown to appreciate uniqueness as much as beauty. Even pretty towns start to look the same after you’ve seen so many of them.

After I was done in Kefton, I also visited Ola’s dream town of Twinkle (dream address 6100-4757-6993). I just wanted to share a picture of this colorful brick path that I particularly liked.

Rainbow brick path in Twinkle.See you all next time. Have a good weekend!

UPDATE: Just realized I forgot to include Peck’s goodbye letter that I received on Wednesday. Here it is:

Peck's goodbye letter.