Goat Away

The other night, Lily approached with a deal that was fair.
She offered to sell me her own froggy chair!

Lily: Hopefully I wasn't too pushy as a salesperson. But I think you'll enjoy the froggy chair!On Monday, she asked me to play hide and seek.
She, Rodeo, and Molly hid; I agreed not to peek.

I had ten minutes to hunt all of them down.
They could be hiding anywhere in town.

Lily didn’t hide very well. In fact, she kinda stinks.
Because I found her quite quickly, right near the Sphinx.

Lily peeks out from behind the Sphinx during a game of hide-and-seek.The others’ hiding spots were nearly as lame;
I found them soon after, and I then won the game.

Lily complimented me on my really good eyes.
Then she gave me a breaker, as my winner’s prize.

Lily: To thank you for playing with us, we're giving you a breaker!Tuesday, Molly asked me to join her and I followed my gut.
I sat on the metal bench, and it soon froze my butt.

Sitting on the metal bench with Molly.My friendship with Rodeo is growing, and climbing the ranks.
He started using my nickname, which is sadly, no thanx.

Rodeo: A huh huh huh! OK! Starting today, I'm totally calling you no thanx all the time, no thanx.Something happened today that was worthy of note.
I said my goodbyes to Pashmina the goat.

Pashmina: Things have been hectic, but right now I feel totally wild and free! I'm leaving with a smile! Goat away!I’ve enjoyed having her around, but it’s no time to mourn.
Because I’ll see her again, in Beth’s town of Acorn.

Pashmina: I'm moving to this town called Acorn.Beth fell in a pitfall, but don’t worry, she’s not dead.
She’s just pretending to be Harvey, with a bird on her head.

Beth stands in the face-cutout standee featuring Harvey and a bird.

Jasmine from Cuddles, Penny from Capri, Arwen from Avalar.
They visited my dream. Hope you found Forest to be up to par.

I believe that this is the first time…
That I’ve made a full entry rhyme.

I don’t expect it to make you go crazy, like Lloid.
But I hope that it’s something that you have enjoyed.

Sable is a tailor and Leif is a florist.
I’ll be back in two days, for Friday Night Forest.

Lily’s Birthday

Yesterday, Agent S asked if I would like to pick out a nickname for myself.

Agent S: You don't like it? Since we're good friends, how about you pick out your own nickname, up a tree?

I didn’t want to, and there was no option to decline, so just I said “no thanx.”

Agent S: OK then...no thanx!Jitters the bird was camping in an igloo at the campsite. He said he can play outside in any weather because of his muscles.

Jitters: I can play outside in any kind of weather! Enduring the elements is easy when you've got muscle!
But you’re inside an igloo with a fire burning.

Late last night, I dropped off some items in Arrested. I also had a chat with Bunnie, and she wouldn’t shut up. 😛

"Please end the conversation" appears as I was chatting with Bunnie.Today (February 4th) is Lily’s birthday! So I made sure to attend her birthday party. For her present, I gave her a ramen cup.

Lily: Oh, a ramen cup! I don't normally buy things like this for myself, so it's a lovely gift.Bob was also there to help Lily celebrate.

Bob: Now that you're here, it REALLY feels like a party, on my paws!Sometimes I feel awkward leaving right away, even though it’s just a video game and not a real birthday party. 😛 So I sat on the bench as Lily and Bob celebrated and enjoyed the moment.

Bob and Lily sing and dance at Lily's birthday party.After the party, I had a chat with Agent S outside. She’s giving me mixed messages.

Agent S: Brilliant! I'll go on and on and on and on and on until... Wow, thanks, no thanx. That worked.

My recent dream visitors have been Channing from Piesvill and Sydnei from Suntown. Thanks for stopping by!

Groundhog Day 2017

Yesterday, I was happy to see that furniture was the premium item at Re-Tail. That allowed me to grab all my stored-up ice furniture out of storage and sell them for 17,776 bells apiece! I had 48 of them, and I sold them 16 at a time. Each batch earned me 284,416 bells…for a grand total of 853,248 bells!

Reese: Since I'm paying premium for all of these items today...the total is an amazing 284,416 bells! OK?All that money easily kicked my bank account balance over the 90 million bell mark.

Your current balance is 90,430,000 bells.The day got even better when I ended my bad streak by making a perfect snowmam.

Snowmam: This balance... I'm perfect!Today, Molly asked me to make a delivery to Rolf. The gift was a space suit, and I thought it looked really good on Rolf. He then rewarded me by giving me a durian.

Rolf: Heh. What do you think?
It’s out of this world.

February 2nd is Groundhog Day in America, so I found Isabelle over at the event plaza. She gave me a Resetti model for the occasion.

Isabelle: Oh, Mayor! Today's the day we try to guess when spring will arrive. It's Groundhog Day!There was also a special face-cutout standee.

Posing in the Resetti face-cutout standee for Groundhog Day.Up at the Dream Suite, I found that a town I featured in a previous blog entry is now back online.

Four-leaf clover paths, a fountain, pink trees, and Re-Tail as seen in Pastelia.For more info and additional pictures, see Dreaming of Pastelia.

My recent dream visitors have been Kitty from Sasstown and Raven from Valhalla. Thanks for stopping by! I should be back with another entry on Saturday, so I hope to see you then. 🙂