Cliff Fishing

On January 3rd, I found Lolly fishing from the top of the cliff in the northeast part of town (near the zen bell).

Lolly: I think I'm ready to reel in a big one!

Usually when I see villagers fishing from a cliff (which isn’t often), it’s typically in the southwest corner of town. I saw Cube fishing from there last August. But after searching through this blog, I found no other instances of any villager fishing at the northeast cliff, where Lolly was fishing this time! That doesn’t mean it was the first time it happened necessarily, but it’s certainly quite rare.

On January 13th, Rolf asked me to dig up his time capsule. So I did.

Look! I dug up a time cap

I took it back to him, and he found a natty shirt inside. He thinks he just grabbed a random item from around his house to throw in there. 😛

Rolf: I think I grabbed something that was just lying around the house and put it into the capsule. GAHAHA!

So of course, he gave me the natty shirt. Just what I never wanted. Thanks, Rolf.

Rolf: I'll give this to you as a thank-you. So here ya go--one recently dug gift: a natty shirt!

Last Wednesday, Ava the chicken was camping at the campsite. So I stopped inside her igloo to say hello.

Ava: Oh, hello! I heard a rumor that this was a lovely town to camp in, so here I am. It's nice to meet you!

Last night, I had another camper. I stopped to take this photo of the igloo under the northern lights and a nearly-full moon.

An igloo sits under the northern lights and a nearly full moon.

Curly the pig was camping inside, trying to keep his bacon warm. 😉

Curly, camping in an igloo: Hey! Do you think it's OK if I camp here for a while?

Today is Cube’s birthday, so I bought a wooden counter at Harv’s campground for him. Unfortunately, Cube didn’t seem thrilled with the gift.

Cube: It's not something I would've thought to buy for myself...

But he still seemed to be having a good time. And his penguin buddy Aurora was also at the party.

Aurora: I'm glad you came to celebrate with us! When it comes to parties, it's certainly the more the merrier.

Happy birthday, Cube!

One other quick note: My savings balance reached 128 million bells recently.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Teren from DalyCity again, and Jamie from Oakridge. Thanks for stopping by! And Never Stop Crossing!

Zodiac Dragon

Last night was New Year’s Eve, and Inkwell told me he was looking forward to the countdown. Especially since he normally counts up with his exercise reps. 😛

Inkwell: Today is Countdown! I usually count UP with reps and sets and stuff, so today will be fun, in the sea!

Over at the event plaza, Isabelle gave me some sparkling cider, and I bought a New Year’s hat from Crazy Redd.

Standing at the plaza, awaiting the final countdown to the new year 2024.

At midnight, the new year began…and so did the fireworks. Happy 2024, everyone! 🎆

Fireworks mark the beginning of the new year.

My favorite part of the New Year’s fireworks is the year fireworks that shoot up every five minutes. I took screenshots at several spots around town. 🙂

2024 fireworks GIF

I also noticed that you can sit by the town tree and view your town’s history with the fireworks in the background.

Viewing the history of Forest during the New Year's fireworks show.

Today, Isabelle was at the event plaza again. This time, she was handing out a zodiac dragon.

Isabelle: Aren't dragons so cool? I decided to rekindle my geeky side this year, so I got some dragon decorations.

While I was at the plaza, I stuck my face into the holiday standee.

The special holiday face-cutout standee for New Year's Day.

I took the zodiac dragon home to take a look at it. Pretty cool! 🐉

The zodiac dragon in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

And of course, my villagers wished me a Happy New Year. 🙂

Mira: So...allow me to formally wish you... a happy New Year!
Cube: Happy New Year, muscles! Last year was great! I ate, I slept, and I partied like crazy!

According to Luna, Lamir from Lamiered was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

I hope you all have a great 2024! I hope you’ll all return throughout the year for more Animal Crossing content, because you know I Never Stop Crossing. 🙂

See you again soon! 🙂