Completing the Earth Temple

Back in the Earth Temple, I solved a puzzle that let me proceed. I’m actually liking this dungeon a lot better than the first one. It’s cool…or hot, as the case may be.

Riding over a river of lava.While making my way through the dungeon, I filled up my wallet (600 rupees) and couldn’t hold any more. At least until I upgrade my wallet again. I got the boss key and again met up with the Demon Lord dude. But he wasn’t the boss this time, he had this creature fight me.

Boss fight in the Earth Temple.I defeated it and got my heart container. Is it just me, or does anyone else think the heart containers are ugly in this game?

Ugly heart container.I proceeded and saw Zelda and that mysterious woman from before. Zelda wanted to run to me, but that woman wouldn’t let her!

Woman: You cannot go to him.

And then, she continued to lay on the insults. Said I was too slow getting there, and said I was the wrong choice to be the hero. I wanted to fight the witch, but then she teleported away with Zelda. I returned to the sky. My map had a couple glowing places, so I went to one of them, hoping to get more heart container pieces. But the one I went to contained this:

Finding a gold rupee worth 300 rupees.A gold rupee worth 300 rupees. Normally that would be a nice reward, but my wallet was still full! So I got absolutely nothing! I felt stuuuuupid! I then decided not to bother with the other things on my map, in case they were more rupees. I went back to town and bought some upgrades for my equipment, including my wallet. I should be able to hold 900 rupees now. I then saved my game and quit for the night.

Into the Earth Temple

I unlocked the door to the temple, and it is indeed the second dungeon. It’s called the Earth Temple, although “Fire Temple” would have been more appropriate. Fire and lava abound. I soon found myself rolling on a giant stone ball through lava. There’s no way this would work in real life. Even if the ball didn’t melt, the surface would be far too hot to stand on. 😛

Riding a ball in the Earth Temple.I ran into this guy, Ledd, and he asked me to find his bomb bag for him. I had to bowl some bomb flowers to break open a wall to do it. I’m not enjoying the bomb-rolling controls. It doesn’t always seem to work right and a good portion of the time, the bomb goes off before Link will roll the bomb. Anyway, I get his bomb bag and bring it back to him. I ask him if I can borrow it, but instead, he gives it to me. Thanks, Ledd!

Ledd: I'm GIVING you my bomb bag!I can now put bomb flowers into the bag. You wouldn’t think putting a bomb with a lit fuse into a bag full of bombs would be a good thing to do, but in this game, it’s perfectly safe. 😛

Moving along, I find the dungeon map. One thing I’ve noticed so far is that dungeons in this game (at least so far) don’t have multiple floors. Some rooms do have areas of different heights, but everything is represented as a single floor on the map. In other words, you can’t be directly above or below another part of the dungeon. But I am only on the 2nd dungeon after all, and that could possibly change in later levels.

Another thing I’ve noticed where Skyward Sword is different from other Zelda games, is that there isn’t a compass to find in the dungeons. Usually the compass would show you which way you’re facing and show you the location of treasure chests, but in Skyward Sword, the dungeon map does both of those things.

Finding the dungeon map.It was getting late, so I stopped about half-way through the dungeon and saved my game.

Note: For those who wish to view my video of the first dungeon (Skyview Temple), here they are. The video is in two parts:

Digging Mitts

I made my way through the volcano and I ended up getting something new: Digging mitts. They let me dig into the ground where there’s an X.

Getting the digging mitts.Continuing on, the path led me back outside and I continued up the mountain. At one point, a mysterious woman in black helped me out. Interesting.

Woman in black: Zelda is ahead. Hurry!I reached a temple that was locked. Turns out I needed five keys hidden all over the mountain to get in. I used my dowsing ability to help me out, even though it sometimes misleads me. It will act like a spot on the ground is where the item is, but it’s not. It may be in that direction, even through the ground to a lower level. So that threw me off for a while. I made a couple circles around the mountain and I eventually found all five keys, which combined into one.

Keys combining into one.I then made my way to the temple entrance and saved my game. I’ll go inside next time.