Lyle the Thief

I was surprised to find Lyle outside my house today as I started up the game. He had some questions for me. First, he asked what day I’d prefer Crazy Redd to visit. Saturday wasn’t an option, so I picked Tuesday. He then started asking some grim questions about insurance.

Lyle: Q. If hurt or sick, I have a plan for the inevitable, awful outcome.After answering his questions, he told me I needed insurance right now.

Lyle: You need insurance. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now. Right now.He told me it would just cost me 3,000 bells. Since I don’t see how insurance would do any good in a video game (especially one in which you can’t actually get sick or die), I said no. So he said he would knock the price down to 3,000 bells (the same price) and asked me again. I said no, and he just kept repeating the same shtick. Over and over, I said no. Ten times!

Lyle: Now you gotta sign, right? Right! Sign it. On the line. Right now. Do it. Do it now.
Yeah, no pressure or anything.

Clearly the game was forcing me to buy it, so I had no choice. He stole my money. I never really understood while people seemed to hate Lyle, but now I get it. He’s a thief.

Anyway, July is here now. So there are new types of insects and fish available. While I didn’t do a whole lot of fishing and bug-catching, I did do a little. My new catches included an evening cicada, a sweetfish, and a walkingstick.

I caught a walkingstick! It's a walking...stick?
That’s not a mustache, it’s a mosquito just under my nose.

Kiki was still sick, so I gave her medicine once again. But she needs to get over it already.

The flea market was held today, and Hopper told me to peruse his priceless artifacts. I thought he was going for alliteration until he said artifacts.

Hopper: Peruse my priceless artifacts, now!He should have said “peruse my priceless possessions, promptly.” 😛 But he wasn’t interested in selling me his fish, so I just left.

A message posted on the bulletin board said that the rainy season will end by mid-July.

I ran into Rod by the museum, and he told me I could always talk to him if I have any issues. “After all, we’re photo pals,” he said. That’s pretty cool.

Rod: After all, we're photo-pals!Inside the museum, I donated my new catches. Blathers informed me that the sweetfish is not actually sweet, and still tastes fishy.

Blathers: Indeed, if you expect some sort of lollipop in fish-form, you will be horrified!I wrapped up my evening at town hall, where I made a 30,000 bell mortgage payment.

Here’s my latest Wild World video, showing some of the more interesting happenings since March.