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Disney Magical World Blog

Nintendo has provided me with an advance copy of Disney Magical World, which is now available for Nintendo 3DS. It has some gameplay similarities to Animal Crossing, while also featuring over 60 Disney characters. I'll be writing about the game and providing regular updates as I progress through the game. Want to start from the beginning?

Day 41: Spring Arrives

It's now March, and spring has arrived in Castleton! The snow, ice, and winter decorations are all gone.

Green at last!
Also, spring fashions are now available at McDuck's.

These might not look very good on me.
March brings another new DLC item, the Casual Donald T-shirt. It's a free download, so be sure to pick yours up!

It's light blue with an anchor on the front.
Donald's face is plastered across the back of the shirt.

On the back? What's the big idea?
My card collection is slowly growing. I have 298 of the 300 cards now, and I'm hoping to complete the collection by next month.

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