In My Tomb

I made a few trips to the island tonight, but it didn’t result in any new island furniture. I did teach Ankha a new catchphrase though.

Ankha: In my tomb?!On the way back from the dock, I checked in with Copper to see of any upcoming events. He told me that Gracie will be in town tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll remember to wash her car. There are still a few Gracie shirts I need for my catalog.

Copper: On May 1st, we'll be running out B.I.P. campaign: Bust Illegal Parkers!

A Quick Trade

I just played Animal Crossing briefly tonight to complete a trade. There actually aren’t many tradeable items I still need for my catalog (mostly just a few of the flower models that are given out on Groundhog Day). But I do check the trading boards on ACC to see if anyone has any of them and is willing to trade, and I just sent someone two items tonight.

I’ll probably play the game some more over the weekend. I really want to finish off my island set.