Holiday Week

Sunday was Christmas Eve (aka Toy Day), and I helped out Jingle by crafting some festive wrapping paper. In return, he gave me some Toy Day stockings. I then started delivering Santa’s gifts to all of my villagers.

Ketchup: I mean, YEAH, it's totes couture, and it kinda looks like the one Santa has, and... OH! Wait...
Her face looks so funny here. 😆

Bones had an amusing comment about Jingle; he said that Jingle was like a mug of hot cocoa that talks!

Bones: He's so nice and friendly. He's like a mug of hot cocoa that talks!
Bones is so crazy, I love it. 😛

Once I was done with all of the deliveries, Jingle rewarded me with a Toy Day sleigh.

Jingle: And then...something extra special... Your very own Toy Day sleigh!

At that point, I hung up my stockings in my house and wrapped up my game for the night. I did not give my own gifts to my villagers this year, but they seemed happy just to get the presents from Santa.

On Monday (Christmas Day), I checked my stockings and found Jingle’s photo inside. Thanks, Santa (and Jingle)!

Jingle's photo was inside! How sneaky of Santa...

Wisp was in town yesterday, and he gave me some Casablanca lillies in exchange for his soul. 😛

I tried out my bathtub with yuzu (which was a seasonal item I recently ordered from the catalog). I wanted to see if I could glitch into it, and indeed, I could.

Sitting in a bathtub with yuzu.

But speaking of seasonal items, I ordered a zodiac dragon figure (or two) today. It looks cute!

Zodiac dragon figurine: 1,600 bells.

And to get ready for the new year, I finally finished cleaning up my Halloween jack-o’-lantern area. I spelled out “2024” using paths, so this will also show up on the map. Just a few more days to go!

2024 spelled out in paths in my ACNH town.

In the next few days, I’ll be posting my video taking a look back at my 2023 in Animal Crossing. Stay tuned for that, and have a great New Year’s Eve! 🙂

Short Pirate

Last Friday, Bones pinged me and gave me a free festive wreath. I decided to put it on my front door.

Bones: Anyway, I just really, really wanna give you this festive wreath. So I'm gonna. Riiight!

I saw a reindeer outfit for sale at Able Sisters earlier this week, and I couldn’t resist buying it and putting it on. 🦌

Tuesday, I saw a tarantula run from Ankha’s feet to Ketchup! I got my net out and tried to catch it, but I accidentally hit Ketchup in the head! Oops!

Smacking Ketchup with a net, as a tarantula threatens me.

But to my surprise, the tarantula did not charge at me! I retreated a bit, and it actually let me! I was shocked! But I regained my composure and then caught the critter. 😛

Last night, Wisp was out floating around the island. I recovered his spirits for him, and he gave me a light-bulb sign for helping out. What a great idea. 💡

This morning, Gullivarrr was in town. So I helped him out by diving to retrieve his communicator. But when I gave it back to him, he was standing on the sand, and I was standing on the grass. So he looked much shorter than me. 😆 I guess my antlers made me look extra tall, too. 😛

Gullivarrr: ARRR! That's it! That's me precious communicator!

Bones wanted to play a treasure hunt game, and I was up for the challenge. He only gave me three minutes to find it, and he said it might be hard to find it in time. Except that the buried treasure was right next to the Resident Services plaza, and I found it instantly. 😆

I found treasure!

He gave me a gown coat for winning the game. I tried it on, but I decided to stay in my reindeer outfit. Oh, deer.

Just a little holiday update. I may be posting a new video this weekend, but I’m not sure if I’ll be playing the Toy Day event on Sunday night. (I will be playing in City Folk and New Leaf though, probably.) But there likely won’t be another ACNH blog entry until sometime next week. So I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays in the meantime! 🎄

Campers, Tune, Snowman

On Sunday, Kitt the kangaroo was camping at the campsite. She was a villager I had in my GameCube town in the early days, so we go way back. But I wasn’t interested in having her here. 😛

Kitt: You're so lucky to live here! I know I want to make the most of my visit.

On Tuesday, I made a new town tune for the first time in a long time. It’s the banana fairy theme from Donkey Kong 64.

My town tune for the banana fairy theme from Donkey Kong 64.

If you’d like to hear how it sounds in-game, try this:

Snow now covers the island, and I rolled up my first snowboy of the season on Tuesday.

Snowboy: I...I can't believe it! You got everything right!

He sent me a frozen-treat set in the mail.

Yesterday, I had another camper: Chabwick the penguin. Even though he certainly would fit in the snow outside now, I did not invite him to town.

Chabwick: I'm on a camping trip, trying to meet good food.

I ran into Pascal while diving, and he was talking about a tail wagging a dog. It must be a strong tail.

Pascal: You ever heard of the tail wagging the dog? There's no way, maaan. I've done the math.

Today, Louie told me he was going to go to my house for a surprise visit. But I don’t like surprises, so I cancelled his plans for him.

Louie: Oooooh, denied. I get it, I get it. Maybe my timing is off.

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:

  • Last Friday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate beard in the mail.
  • I sold over 575k worth of fish to C.J. the same day.
  • On Sunday, my savings balance reached 74 million bells.
  • I helped Gulliver on Tuesday, and he sent me a Dala horse.
  • Yesterday, I sold over 180k worth of bugs to Flick.

See you next time!