May Day Maze 2024

Now that May is here, we’re starting to get more of the summer bugs around. I caught my first banded dragonfly of the year on Wednesday.

Me, catching a banded dragonfly: I did

Last night, June asked me to play a treasure hunt game. She only gave me three minutes, but I only needed about half that long. It was near my southeastern bridge.

Treasure found! I found treasure!

I took it back to June, and she opened it up for me. My prize was a hand-knit tank. I’ll never wear it, but thank you June! 😆

Poppy the squirrel was camping at the campsite. She’s super cute, but I didn’t ask her to move in.

Poppy: Hi, my name's Poppy. I'm her

The annual May Day tour is available this week, so I headed out to the special island today. There are two different May Day mazes in the game, and they alternate each year. This year’s maze is the same one we got in 2020 and 2022.

The May Day maze for 2024 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

I made my way through the maze, and I got lost a few times. 😛 But at least I didn’t mess up and didn’t have to restart the maze. At the end, I found my old buddy Rover. It’s nice to see him again, even if it’s just once a year in this game.

Rover: Ah, so we meet again! Something told me I'd run into you here...
Your expression says otherwise, but okay.

I made sure to collect all nine of the bell vouchers before returning to Forest.

Here are a few other quick notes about this past week:

  • June was sick with a cold on Tuesday. I gave her some medicine, and she rewarded me with a simple parka.
  • That same day, Wisp gave me a simple stool.
  • Yesterday, I retrieved Gulliver’s phone parts for him. He sent me another sombrero in the mail today.

Have a good weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time. 🙂

Running For My Life

On Wednesday, one of my most-hated New Leaf villagers showed up at my campsite here in New Horizons. It was Katt!

Katt, at the campsite: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothin'. I'm just out here campin'!

This was actually the 2nd time she has camped here; the first time was just eight months ago (last August). Needless to say, I did not invite her into town. 😛

Not far from the campsite, a tarantula jumped up into the air when he saw me. While he was airborne, I ran right past him.

Running for my life as a tarantula leaps at me.

I was running for my life, and I quickly scampered across a bridge. Since the tarantula was too stupid to know how bridges work, he apparently fell into the river and died. It’s not often I actually survive these things, so it was a nice feeling. 😆

Thursday, I caught my first Atlas moth of the year. This is just a preview of the summer bugs that will come out in the coming months. But catching these big tree bugs is always so satisfying to me. 🙂

I caught an Atlas moth! I bet it never gets lost!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town for his usual Saturday night show. I did something unusual by requesting a song this time. So K.K. performed Steep Hill for me and Louie.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little Steep Hill?

Here are a few other quick notes about this past week:

  • Flick was in town on Tuesday, and I sold him 17 bugs for 78,000 bells.
  • Wednesday, I caught Wisp’s spirits for him, and he gave me an outdoor folding table.
  • Rio was sick, so I gave her some medicine. She rewarded me with a dotted raincoat.
  • C.J. was in town Wednesday, but I only had an oarfish to sell him (for 13,500 bells).

See you all next time!

I’m Back!

Good news! My Switch is back from the repair shop, and all my save data (including my New Horizons island) is intact and safe! It looks like I missed Punchy’s birthday and a fishing tournament while I was without my Switch, but that’s okay. It’s just good to be back in Forest…even if it was raining today. 🙂

Bones, in the rain: Hey, it's cupcake! Man, I haven't seen you in a while. Were you on vacation?

This is obviously my first time going two weeks without playing, so of course I had some weeds to pluck!

Some rare weeds on the ground in Forest.

And my villagers all seemed to miss me. Poor June hasn’t even lived here long, and she must think this is normal for me. 😛

June: Jeff! I was just wondering when I'd see you again.

Bob’s reaction to seeing me again almost made me go “Awww…” 😛

Bob, crying: Sweetkins! Where have you BEEN?

After this, Bob even welcomed me home. Even though I was in his house. Awww.

In a way, this is kinda good because I’m getting to see dialogue I might not have seen for years. Like Ankha saying I seem as fine as frog’s hair?

Ankha: I confess, I was getting a wee bit worried. But you seem fine as frog's hair.

By 6:00 p.m., the rain was gone and the sun came out. I joined Punchy and a pair of squirrels for the K.K. Slider concert.

Jeff, Static, Agent S, and Punchy enjoy the music of K.K. Slider.

I asked for a random song, and he performed K.K. Soul for us. That’s a decent song, but I was in the mood for something more nostalgic. So I then requested K.K. Bossa, which just screams old-school Animal Crossing nostalgia to me. Good stuff. 🙂

Punchy, Agent S, Static, and Jeff at a K.K. Slider concert.

I spotted four different butterflies behind Resident Services, and I caught the only valuable one (a peacock).

Four different butterflies fly near Resident Services.

After that, I completed a few Nook Miles+ goals and then wrapped up my game for the night. It’s good to be back, though. I hope you’ll come back again soon, because I’ll be here, Crossing away. 🙂