River Water

I received an interesting letter from Mom tonight. She told me that she wants to see a UFO!

Dear Jeff, A reflection I had while doing the dishes: I have never seen a UFO before. I want to see one! -Mom

It was raining in town tonight, just as it was for me in real life. But in Animal Crossing, it’s a good thing. It saved me from having to water my flowers. Big Top said the rain reminded him of a “good bad movie.”

Big Top: It was a dark and stormy night. A lone figure stood alone in the downpour...

Kiki walked up to Big Top and they had a conversation about water. Kiki wondered why seawater is salty, and river water isn’t. Big Top suggested that someone is adding sugar to the rivers.

Big Top, to Kiki: Someone HAS to be pouring sugar in those rivers. You know, to balance the salt!

The discussion was making Big Top thirsty, but Kiki warned him not to drink river water because he doesn’t know where it’s been.

Kiki, to Big Top: Big Top, don't! You can't drink river water! You don't know where it's been!

Big Top responded by saying of course he knows where it’s been: in the river!

Big Top: Been? What do you mean? I know exactly where it's been. In the river!

Margie asked me for some new clothes, so I went to Able Sisters and bought her a wrestler shirt. 😂 Hey, if she can give me a wrestling mask, like she did in January, I can give her a wrestler shirt 😛 But she actually seemed to enjoy it, and she gave me a space suit in return.

Margie: Whoa, this must be a wrestler shirt... What?! You got it for ME?

I visited Kabuki in his house, and he said something that made me want to never return. He said he has seen cockroaches in his house, and even on the tip of his nose! Gross!

Kabuki: The other night I woke up and found one right here on the tip of my nose...
Kabuki: Ugh, it was gross, gross, GROSS! Cockroaches are the nastiest things ever!
Have you met Tabby?

Clowns, Worms, & Nurses

I spoke with Teddy outside his house tonight, and he said I was a long way from home. He wondered if I would be sleeping outside tonight. His house is only about a five-second walk from my house, so I don’t know what he was talking about.

Teddy: Whoa, you're so far away from your home today... Sleeping outside tonight?

When I visited Big Top, he told me that he’d like to hang up a picture or poster in his house…

Big Top: To be honest, I'd love to hang up a picture or poster or something.

Except that he couldn’t do it, because of uninvited guests like me! :O I don’t think me visiting for 30 seconds a week is stopping him.

Big Top: But since I have people like you showing up unannounced all the time, I can't!

Crazy Redd had a moving painting for sale this week. I didn’t need it, so I kept moving and left his tent.

Rosie was all packed up and ready to move away. It took me about ten attempts, but I finally got her to reconsider.

Rosie: Oh, what should I do? Should I change my mind, silly?

Outside, Bree asked me how her makeup looked. I chose the “clownish” option, and of course, she got mad about it. 😛

Bree: Ugh! You're a total idiot! Do CLOWNS wear the latest Nintendique lip glosses?!

But the surprising part is what happened next. She gave me a gift, an exquisite wall, as she told me good riddance. 😀

Bree: OK, point taken. Take my exquisite wall! Good riddance!

Kiki had a gross story for me. She said she was tempted to take an apple off the ground one time, and she found half a worm inside. Yuck.

Kiki: And that's when I saw half a worm inside! That's right! HALF!

Next, I visited Kabuki. He wanted me to dress up like a nurse! I am not going to dress up like your nurse, Kabuki! Yikes.

Kabuki: Well, you got it. Take this! A nurse's uniform! ...Obviously!
Goodbye, nurse!

Things were getting a little too weird in Forest tonight. So I sold some apples (without worms) and ended my game for the night. See you next week.

Margie’s News

I spoke with Margie tonight, and she told me she had some horrible news! Oh no!

Margie: Mayor, I have the most horrible news, baconballs!

But I was surprised by what she said next: Big Top and Teddy are getting along too well. Uh…okay?

Margie: Big Top and Teddy are getting along way too well!
THAT is the horrible news???

Apparently she’s just jealous of their friendship…and being a little over-dramatic.

Crazy Redd had a perfect painting for sale tonight, and it was perfectly predictable that I didn’t need it.

Jeremiah asked me for a new greeting to replace “baconballs.” I was happy to help, because I’m sick of hearing that phrase from so many villagers lately. And that phrase was originally intended for Curly, who no longer lives in town. Anyway, I tried to tell Jeremiah to say “I eat flies,” but that was too long. So I changed it to “eat a fly.”

Jeremiah: So...you think I should say Eat a fly instead?

Kabuki wanted me to buy “something good” for 3,000 bells. I don’t like wasting my money on mystery items, especially at that price. It’s never worth it, so I declined. Fortunately, he then gave me the item for free. It was a weight bench.

Kabuki: Look, if it's so worthless, why don't you just take it, meooo-OH!

After making my rounds, I collected up a bunch of foreign fruit (apples and pears) to sell at the store. I haven’t done much of that since paying off all my debts. I’m still a longgggg way from having enough money for my next Boondox donation, but I figured I better get started selling fruit or it’ll take me years to do it.

Note: I’ve added a link to my 11 ACWW Exlusive Features video to the blog menu. I feel it’s a good thing for any Wild World fans (past or present) to have easy access to. See you next time!