Finished Sonic Adventure

Tonight I finished Sonic Adventure for Sega Dreamcast.

Sonic Adventure - endingI certainly didn’t get 100% of all the emblems, but I’m not trying to, either. I usually only try for 100% of everything on games that I really love. Sonic Adventure is good, but not great. It has some awkward camera problems, where the camera can even get stuck beneath the floor that you’re standing on! And some of the characters seem completely useless…I’m looking at you, Big the Cat.

I’ll be writing my review for the game soon, but I’m probably not going to upload it immediately. Since the Dreamcast section of JVGS will be new, I’d like to launch it with more than just one review. Ideally, I’d have three, but I may just launch it after I get two reviews. The next game I’m going to work on will probably be The Typing of the Dead…even if it is a bit late for Halloween.

That’s all for now.