Nano Assault Neo Patch, Moonside

The update (patch) for Nano Assault Neo that hit Europe two weeks ago is now also available in America. The patch fixes an error with the GamePad disconnecting (not realizing the Wii U was already shut off), and it also fixes the glitch on the online leaderboards. Before, the flag of your country would block two digits of your rating number. So you might have thought you were #17 when you were really #4217 for example. Here is a before and after look at the glitch.

nan-patch1nan-patch2I’m also still playing Earthbound. I recently got to the town of Fourside, and its ultra-cool, neon-filled counterpart, Moonside.

Earthbound Moonside screenshotThere will be more about Moonside in the near future, so stay tuned.

UPDATE: I have posted a video of Moonside: