First Animal Picture

Before I talk about what happened in New Leaf today, I want to let you all know that JVGS now has a New Leaf QR Codes page. For now it has a few patterns I’ve designed, as well a bunch of Earthbound/Mother clothing patterns from StarmanPhantom (aka Ness or Bushido). So please check it out and scan any patterns you like. You can also submit your own patterns to the page as well!

As for my day in Forest, it started out with me receiving a letter from Gulliver in South Korea. He sent me this samgyetang.

A samgyetang that Gulliver sent me from South Korea, next to my Eiffel Tower.I then went over to the Able Sisters to use the big sewing machine. I made QR codes of Chief Wahoo (the Cleveland Indians logo) and a black/orange brick path pattern. While I was in there, I tried out this Mr. Saturn pattern made by StarmanPhantom.

A Mr. Saturn shirt made by StarmanPhantom.It is among the QR codes available at my QR Codes page I mentioned above. Anyway, the Able Sisters also had the big bro’s hat, so I got it to match my shirt. It’s a me!

Labelle: Oh wow! So cute and so wonderful!I also went to check out my full expanded left-side (sleek) room.

My fully expanded room full of sleek furniture.And Tabby asked me to go to another town to collect signatures for her Competitive Nom-Nom Club.

Tabby: Yeah, just find folks who will sign my Competitive Nom-Nom Club petition! How about it?But I still had work to do in Forest, so Tabby’s nom-noms would have to wait. I decided to install the cube sculpture in the southwest corner of town, near my park.

The spot I picked out for my cube sculpture PWP.I checked turnip prices at Re-Tail, and they were buying them for 123 bells apiece. Not bad, but I’m going to hold out and see if I can do better. The week is still young. Crazy Redd was in town again, but I had no idea which of his four paintings was real. So I went with this quaint painting.

Redd: I see! Ya seem to be really close to that quaint painting, yeah?After I finished up my daily tasks, I decided to look for open towns to collect signatures. Maria’s town Arris was open, so I headed on over there. She has Del and I got his signature.

Del: So you're from Forest and your name is Jeff. Yup, the nose always knows! GAHAHA!Maria was trying to save funds for her cafe, so I helped her out. Her town looks really nice, by the way.

Maria's brick path and future PWP location in Arris.She also showed me her Pokemon room, which looks great.

Maria's Pokemon room in the town of Arris.There was also a mini art gallery in her basement.

A small art gallery in Maria's basement.I collected all of the signatures I needed.

Petition signatures for Competitive Nom-Nom Club: Pashmina, Frank, Mallary, Cousteau, Del, Rudy.Once I was done visiting, I returned home to Forest and gave Tabby the completed petition. She gave me an unexpected reward: her pic!

Tabby: It's Tabby's pic!ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I finally get my first animal picture and it’s TABBY?! Who wants this in their living room? Seriously.

Tabby's pic (temporarily) on display in my house.Nobody, that’s who. The only good thing is that Halloween is coming up next month, and it will surely give my visitors a good scare. But wow, Tabby? I always thought my first picture would be Aurora or Molly. Maybe Big Top or Rolf. But it’s Tabby. Unbelievable.

Anyway, you may have noticed I mentioned a black/orange brick path pattern earlier in this blog entry. Wondering why? That’s right, I’m finally putting a path in! This is what it looks like:

My new black/orange brick path.With October just two weeks away, I thought I’d make it black and orange. But it’s very easy to change the colors, so I can make alterations at any time without much effort at all. I haven’t finished placing all the tiles down yet though, as you’ll see if you visit my dream town. It may take me several days to finish that up, but the work is underway.