Learning to Shush

Rolf asked me to collect signatures for a petition today. The cause? “Learning to Shush.”

Rolf: I'm out collecting signatures for Learning to Shush, but it's not an easy job.I agreed to help him out, but I finished my walk around town first. Those flowers still needed to be watered, after all. Speaking of which, I’m wondering if I should switch back to the beautiful town ordinance soon. I haven’t seen much rain lately, and the dry autumn season is approaching. I’ll probably make the change once September starts.

When I spoke with Aurora, she told me that she thinks centipedes are beautiful! I couldn’t disagree more! I think they’re just about the creepiest things not named Tabby.

Aurora: I saw a picture of this beautiful centipede, and now I'm completely obsessed!Still, I told her I’d catch one for her. But first, I had a petition to get signed. I saw that Squishy was online, so I asked her if I could collect signatures in her town Cosmic. She agreed, so I headed over there.

Arriving in Squishy's town Cosmic.She said her town was a work in progress, but I think it’s looking great. I really liked her “No Ugly Animals” sign.

Sign: Cosmic Camp Site -- No Ugly Animals!As I began collecting signatures, it started to feel like I was in my Animal Crossing GameCube town! That’s because the first two villagers I spoke with were Genji and Tom, who have both lived in my GameCube town for a decade or so.

Genji: I'm Genji! I hope to see you around more often! Otaku!It was nice seeing them again.

Tom: Hmm? I haven't seen you before. You new here or something?Squishy not only has a Sphinx and a pyramid, but also a sandy-looking pattern around them to make it look like a desert. This is something I’ve been planning in my town for a long time too. I’ll get around to it someday!

A Sphinx in the Cosmic desert.Mitzi provided my sixth and final signature.

Mitzi: Don't get so excited that you forget to turn in your form.Here’s a look at the completed petition:

Petition signatures: Genji, Tom, Rocket, Chadder, Carmen, Mitzi.As much as I would have liked to explore her town more, it was nearly 1:00 a.m. her time, so I didn’t want to stay too late. So I returned to Forest and went on my shopping run. That included a stop at the Dream Suite, where Luna told me that Jasmine from Soma was my most recent dream visitor.

I then returned to Rolf and gave him the petition. He thanked me and rewarded me with a fan palm. I’m not going to lie, that was a very disappointing reward.

Rolf: Nice! Now I can submit the petition for Learning to Shush!I then went around banging rocks until a centipede popped out. I snagged it with my net and took it to Aurora. She rewarded me with a blue tartan tee…also a disappointing prize.

Aurora: It's a blue tartan tee.Later on, Jessica told me that she had a petition that needed signatures too! So I opened up my gate for her. But when someone entered, it wasn’t Jessica, but Madisyn.

Madisyn arrives in Forest.She wanted to do some shopping, so she went up to Main Street. Soon after she left, Jessica came in. She collected her signatures and beat me with a hammer to thank me. So nice of her. 😛 After she got her signatures, I ended the session for the night.

Jeff and Jessica in the park.