Yay Sports Petition

I got Kidd’s goodbye letter in the mail today. So long, ya old goat. You’ll be missed.

Kidd's goodbye letter.Even though you say goodbye to the animals when they move out and they send you a letter, sometimes it doesn’t sink in until you walk by their house and find an empty space instead. That’s what happened when I crossed my eastern bridge and found a goat-sized void.

The empty spot where Kidd's house was.Amelia asked me to collect signatures for an important cause: Yay Sports!

Amelia: Would you help me get signatures for my petition? It's called Yay Sports!Up on Main Street, another former villager has started appearing: Tammy the bear cub. She moved to Tiffiny’s town Auctus back in February.

Tammy: Hold up... Jeff? It is you! Crazy!
Wait, you’re calling *me* crazy?!

Molly asked me for a river fish, so I caught a carp for her. But when I spoke to her, a house blocked my view of her. But she’s back there somewhere!

Molly: Oh! Thanks so much for this carp!Wendy opened up her gate for me so that I could collect signatures for Amelia’s petition. Thanks, Wendy! I started out by going into Cookie’s house. About halfway through the conversation, I noticed a body in her bed!

Cookie: There. Glad to put my name down for such a major cause!I found another surprise outside: The moon coming out of Bunnie’s chimney!

The moon appearing to come out of a chimney.I finished up by getting the signature of Wendy’s most-hated villager, Queenie.

Queenie: And mine's the last signature you need! Now return the petition to whoever gave it to you, OK?I then returned to Forest. Here’s a look at the completed petition:

Petition signatures: Cookie, Genji, Kiki, Daisy, Gala, Queenie.I returned it to Amelia, and she rewarded me with a patchwork table. Obviously it’s too soon to be getting her villager picture, but this should begin the journey towards friendship.

Amelia: This is great! I can't believe that so many people supported our cause, Jeff!

Kidd’s Last Day

This evening, Octavian was talking about how much he enjoys the metal bench in town. He even admitted taking some long naps on it.

Octavian: I gotta admit that more times than not, I just take a good, long nap on the bench out here! GAHAHA!Today was Kidd’s last day in town, so I went to say goodbye to him. It’s sad to see him go, but he had a nice long run in Forest.

Kid: Oops! I put my house coat and clothes for special occasions in the same box! What a faux pas!Amelia asked me to make a delivery to Drago, and I gladly agreed to take it to Forest’s resident dragon. The gift turned out to be a taiko drum.

Drago: It's my taiko drum!Drago thanked me and gave me a blue jacket as a reward.

I met up with Octavian again, and he was talking about Madisyn. He said he got a “civic leader” vibe from her. I don’t know how he could possibly make that determination, considering animals only talk about things like bugs, fish, and napping. But suit yourself, octo-dude.

Octavian: I was really gettin' this sorta civic leader vibe from her.Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Alice from Opal was my most recent dream visitor.

Later on, JayJay from Forest (a different Forest, of course) came over to adopt Kidd.

JayJay talking to Kidd.I joked that Kidd would be able to re-use the same address labels.

Kidd: I've finally decided where I'm going to live next! Yup, I'm moving to Forest, kiddo!Later on, I visited Big Top and found him sleeping in his house, dreaming of cookies in a tiny font.

Big Top: Urggghh... I ate so many cookies...But my conversation with him woke him up, of course. He told me he was going back to sleep so he could finish his dream (and the cookies, no doubt).

Big Top: I just had the best dream, Mr. J! I'm gonna turn in early so I can see the rest!

Sounds like a good idea. Good night, and sweet dreams to you!

Returning Molly’s Book

To my surprise, the lost item from last night was still in my pockets today. So I continued asking around until I found the book’s owner, Molly.

Molly: Oh! I'd almost given up on ever finding this again!She told me she’s had the book since she was little. That’s not saying much, because she’s still little!

Molly: I've had this book since I was little. So many wonderful memories... I couldn't be happier you found it!Over by the coffee shop, Agent S was upset and crying. Why? Because a disco ball told her she’s not sparkly. Uhh, what? So I had to reassure her that she is indeed sparkly. Alrighty then.

Agent S: So this disco ball totally insulted me last night, cookie. It said... I wasn't sparkly at all!
I guess the moral of the story is not to compare yourself to disco balls.

After making my rounds, I delivered a basic painting to Sam from Old Town. Enjoy the painting, Sam!

Making a delivery to Sam in Old Town.Sprinkle had asked me for a zebra turkeyfish. Fortunately, I had one in my dock box, so it was an easy task to complete. (And I seriously love leaving fish and bugs in the dock box for exactly this reason). I took the fish to Sprinkle and she rewarded me with an armor suit.

Sprinkle: Oh! You've caught me a nice fish! It's a zebra turkeyfish!I’ll be back with more tomorrow, so I hope to see you then! Have a good day, everyone!