Dizzy’s Birthday

Today is Dizzy’s birthday, so I stopped in to pay him a visit. His fellow elephant Big Top was also there to help him celebrate.

Dizzy: I'm so happy you're here to celebrate my birthday with me!I gave him a customized kokeshi doll as a birthday present. He seemed a bit surprised at first, but then he called it an awesome present.

Dizzy: A kokeshi doll?! Whoa! I did NOT expect this.I didn’t stay long, since there’s not much to do here. But Dizzy said it was his best birthday ever. That’s pretty impressive, considering elephants never forget. 😛 (They never forget bad gifts, either!)

Dizzy: Thanks for coming today, and thanks for the present. You made this the best birthday ever!Katie the annoying pest was in town today. This is all Merka’s fault. I should start using the word “Merka” as a swear word every time I see Katie. 😛

Katie: Oh hey, it's the mayor guy again! It's me, remember? Katie!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Logan from Chester was my most recent dream visitor.

And by request, I made a QR code of my green path pattern with rounded corners on the bricks. I’ve also added it to the New Leaf QR Codes page.

QR code for a green brick path in Animal Crossing.