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Disney Magical World Blog

Nintendo has provided me with an advance copy of Disney Magical World, which is now available for Nintendo 3DS. It has some gameplay similarities to Animal Crossing, while also featuring over 60 Disney characters. I'll be writing about the game and providing regular updates as I progress through the game. Want to start from the beginning?

Day 32: August DLC

At the cafe, I threw a Cinderella themed party and both Cinderella and her fairy godmother showed up. Cinderella had an exclamation point above her head, which meant I was finally getting Cinderella's shining glass medal!

Now I can finally stop throwing Cinderella parties.
I used it to create the crystal rose wand up at Yen Sid's tower.

Now I can defeat ghosts with flower power!

Now that it's August, I made sure to check for new downloadable content (DLC) for this month. There is only one new item for August: the casual summer T-shirt.

Well...at least it's free.
Unfortunately, it seems that the free T-shirts are the only downloadable items being sent out any more. Have they given up on making any substantial additions to the game? Sadly, it seems that way.

Anyway, I played through the last remaining action quests of the Pirates of the Caribbean world. The final level ended with a lengthy boss fight against Schlorptopus. After defeating him, I got a recipe for Caribbean pirate pie and also one for a secret wand called the Black Legend wand. I'm not able to make the wand yet, but here's what it looks like:

Wave goodbye, ghosts!
I decided to throw a Pirates of the Caribbean party at my cafe, and Captain Jack Sparrow himself showed up! Of course he asked if he could pay for his meal at a later date, but at least he took a commemorative photo with me.

Jack looks too realistic for this Mii-filled game.
I have now completed all of the quests and episodes in the game, although I still want to work on completing my collections. Collecting all of the secret wands is my main goal at this point, and I need three of them still: The Alice in Wonderland secret wand, the Mickey secret wand, and the Pirates of the Caribbean secret wand.

From here on out, the updates to this blog may be few and far between. But they're not stopping completely. I'll continue to update each time a new DLC item is released, and I'll also let you know how much progress I've made.

One other note: Disney Magical World is finally coming to Europe! It will be released on October 24th.

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