Cally’s Last Day

Saharah was in town today, and I paid her for some new wallpaper and carpet. As I went in to look at it, Big Top also came in. The new additions from Saharah were a kiddie wall and an ornate rug. Unfortunately, I had to wait for Big Top to leave before I could change it back.

Kiddie wall and ornate rug.And today is the day I’ve been waiting for: Cally’s last day in town! She appreciated the good advice I gave her: Get out.

Cally: After all, it was really kind of you to give me advice about moving.She hopes that I never forget her. I’m sure I won’t be able to. The nightmares will make sure of that.

Cally: We won't be living in the same town anymore, but I hope you never forget me!Rolf approached me, wanting my circle banner. He gave me a fireplace for it. He may be surprised when he puts the circle banner in his house and finds out it doesn’t have circles on it…but that’s his problem.

Rolf: You're into the fine art of the circle banner too?!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Mint from Chocvine was my most recent dream visitor. It sounds like a delicious town!

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Mint from Chocvine enjoyed your dream.