Banned From Fishing

Today, I played for the first time since New Year’s Eve, and I found a goodbye letter from Twiggy in the mail. Unfortunately, Monique is still in town.

Jeff! I awoke the other day with wanderlust, so I just up and left. Wild, huh? On the road, destination unknown! Anyway, thanks for dealing with my craziness! Cheery-bye! -Twiggy

I also received two fossils back in the mail. Interestingly, they were both trilobites.

Candi told me it would be terrible if the temperature gets so cold that the river freezes over. I told her I wouldn’t mind, since it would be cool if we could walk across the river. But Candi got mad at me for “not caring about the fishies,” and she banned me from fishing! 😆

Candi: All right, Jeff, if you don't care what happens to the fishies, then you're not allowed to fish anymore!
You are aware that fishing is bad for them too, right?

Not only that, but she’s not allowing me to even go near the river. 😆

Candi: You can't ever go near the river again, in my ears!

In Acre B-5, Puck has a new neighbor. It’s Leigh, the native American chicken.

Leigh: Good evening! You seem kinda lost to me... Do you live in this town, cutie?

She previously lived in Forest back in 2012.

I later spotted an igloo near the river.

Standing by an igloo near the river.

Maple was inside, and she was regretting not bringing enough food to last a while…even though her pot of chowder could probably feed 100 bear cubs. 😛

Maple: I guess I'll have to go home when I start getting hungry. I wish I'd brought more food, honey.

Back outside, I ran into Baabara (lucky me). She was talking about going on a picnic with her boyfriend, and she wanted to bring french fries and black tea. I told her that was a bad combination (just to mess with her), and she said I just couldn’t appreciate fine french fries. 😆

Baabara: Unless...wait a sec! Jeff, maybe you just can't appreciate fine french fries!

Monique was over by the wishing well, complaining about the cold weather. I hope she gets so sick of it that she moves out soon. 😉

Monique: I can't stand another day of this cold weather! It's downright dreadful...

But I took advantage of that same winter weather by building my first snowman of the season (and the year). He was a poetic little fellow, too.

Snowman: From chilly sky to earth... From freezing flakes to ball... Formless, friendless, frozen... Until you heard my call!

I resisted the urge to kill him. So, he lives! ⛄

When I mailed away some unidentified fossils at the post office, that forced the mail out. Pete’s new deliveries included a letter from the snowman! Yes, already! He sent me a snowman wall, which I promptly sold for 8,888 bells. That’s a nice chunk of change, especially in this game! I’m glad I let the snowman live. 😉

See you in February! Never Stop Crossing!

7 thoughts on “Banned From Fishing”

  1. I got that game a few months ago, and when I finally finished the last building, my character was sitting on the bench at the water fountain and it showed pictures of some of my very first pictures of the clients homes and OMG it was so cute and heartwarming.

    I’ll always claim that memory forever.

    1. I still visit Lottie’s island most Mondays to get the free turnips from Joan, but I haven’t designed any homes in a long time. I need to do more of that.

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