
It snowed this morning, so I again didn’t have to water my flowers. Sweet. I still made my rounds around town this evening and talked to some animals.

Puddles: You have to prepare for these things, so I keep my room TOTALLY neat and tidy, underwater!I found an empty lamp. So after 8:00, I looked around for Wisp and he found me.

?????: Um, so would you mind coming over here for a second? Please?He asked me to rub the lamp in my attic, so I did. He asked what I wanted, and I said furniture. So he gave me this tulip table.

A tulip table on display in my golden furniture room.

If It Looks Like a Duck…

I checked my mail today and I got a letter from Skye that basically said “quack” and not much else. I opened the attachment, and it was a beak.

Jeff wearing a beak.Then I went to the city, and it was snowing there! That means another break from watering flowers. I’m so glad the dry autumn days are over.

Snow falls in the city.I found two new black roses today and found some mushrooms, including a rare one. Tomorrow is the last day for mushrooms; I’m going to miss them.

Look at that! I dug up a rare mushroom!I also talked to some of my neighbors, including Kid Cat. I’m hoping he sticks around a while.

Kid Cat: Now I bust out my shovel and bang on every rock I see. So don't go wearing a rock costume!


I started up the game and saw that it was snowing! It’s the first snow of the season. It’s also the first time in over two months that I didn’t have to water my flowers! Finally! The dry autumn is finally over with.

Snow falls from the sky, as seen outside my house in ACCF.Also, Tom Nook asked me what I prefer in a store again. As you may know, once you have had Nookington’s, Tom Nook will occasionally ask you what’s most important to you: Variety, hours, balance, or nothing much. If you choose variety, you will get (or keep) Nookington’s. If you choose hours, you get Nook ‘n’ Go. If you choose balance, you’ll get Nookway. And if you choose “nothing much,” your store will remain whichever one it is currently. I already have Nook ‘n’ Go, which I prefer for the late hours, so I chose “nothing much” to keep it.

A lot of people on message boards seem to say Nook will ask you this question every month (30 days). But I don’t believe he asks that often. So this will be my test. I’m making a note that he asked me on November 26. The next time he asks, I will look for this entry and see how long it really took for him to ask again.