Cold and Snowy

In my Bananas town, Pelly confirmed that the fountain is going to be built thanks my big donation yesterday. The fountain should be done in one week.

Pelly: The town has decided to use your generous bell donations to build a lovely fountain.Back in Forest, it was snowy…and cold. Very cold.

Anabelle: Whoa, J-bot! You're out and about in this crazy cold!In fact, it was so cold that Anabelle didn’t even feel her snout crash through the door of the Able Sisters.

Anabelle's snout passing through the open door of Able Sisters.I found two new black roses today, which is always nice. I ran into Egbert, and he talked about how pretty it is when it snows at night.

Egbert: Hi there, J-bot! It's so pretty when it snows at night, don't you think?

Bananas Update

It’s time for another update on my Bananas town. I started up the game and saw a new elephant villager; her name is Opal.

Opal: Huh...? Are you from this village, snoot?After selling all the foreign fruit, I went around digging up all the fossils and gyroids I could find. I also built a snowman. When I was done, I had enough money–400,000 bells–to get my fountain. So I went to town hall and donated it to the town fund.

Thanks for your generosity! 400,000 bells.With that goal accomplished, I was done in Bananas for now.

I later started up my main town Forest on my Wii U. I took the bus to the city to check Crazy Redd’s new items. He had a classic sofa, a moody painting, and a ranch tea table.

A classic sofa, a moody painting, and a ranch tea table on sale in Crazy Redd's shop.I then returned to town to water my flowers. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any new black roses today. I ran into Avery and he asked me which of the four town hall employees (Pelly, Phyllis, Pete, and Tortimer) I thought was the most popular. Tortimer was my guess, mainly because he hands out free gifts at holidays.

Avery: Yeah, Tortimer's a cornball, always with the worst jokes and laughing to himself...Anyway, I am once again going to open my Bananas gate this Saturday night at 10pm Eastern Standard Time (7pm Pacific time). Just remember that I won’t be opening my Bananas gate very often, and when I do, town may fill up quickly. So I can’t guarantee I’ll get to play with everyone.

Also, I have plenty of foreign fruit now, so you don’t need to bring me anything.

By the way, I just found this on Amazon and thought some of you might be interested. It’s a set of 6 plush Animal Crossing characters: Animal Crossing Plush Set of 6 at

Keep Stealing Constellations

I started today off with a trip to the city to check the new emotions at the theater. They had disappointment, happiness, realization, and surprise. I didn’t need any of those, so I returned to Forest.

Today is flea market day in town. I generally don’t participate in those, because I’m not interested in selling my stuff and I don’t usually want anything my animals have. Still, I went in Bob’s house to look around. But his blue clock was off-limits.

Bob: So, my blue clock's caught your eye? Sorry, but it's not for sale...I then decided to try for the money rock. It’s not something I usually fool with (at least not in Forest, where I don’t need the money), but today I just started banging a rock for the heck of it.

Money (coins and bell bags) that came out of today's money rock.I got six hits in (for a total of 4,100 bells). I know you can easily get seven hits if you dig the holes behind you, but I’m too lazy to do that for every rock. Also, I’m usually reluctant to do that because on GameCube, I’ve become good at getting seven hits without digging holes. Unfortunately, that skill hasn’t transferred over to City Folk.

Anyway, I stopped in the museum observatory and woke up Celeste. “BOO!”

Celeste: Hrmmrmrm smack smack... HOOOOT!I decide to erase a couple of my constellations. I’ve heard that Animal Crossing: New Leaf doesn’t have constellations, and it got me thinking that the sky usually looks better without the lines drawn between stars anyway.

So I removed a “rose,” which was literally just one single line that I got from someone else’s town, and I also removed my snake. It was quite ugly, really. I still have five or six other constellations, but I left those up for now. Besides, if I removed all the constellations, I might start feeling like the King of All Cosmos from Katamari Damacy.

Celeste: ...Farewell, snake. I reunite you with your starry brethren.