Gloria’s Model Boyfriend

I visited Gloria tonight, and I found her staring quite intently at her anatomical model. Did I interrupt something? Maybe she was trying to use some Psyduck type psychic powers to make something move. Or maybe she just pretends it’s her boyfriend?

Gloria stares intently at her anatomical model.I didn’t want to witness anything disturbing that I could never un-see, so I decided to announce my presence and have a short chat with her. She just asked me if I knew Wendell from Sumware. I said yes, and she told me that he designed the chocolate shirt she was currently wearing.

Outside, Alli asked me if she should move out of town.

Alli: Do you think it's worth moving to another town to spice up my life?

I told her to stay, and I got the impression that she will indeed stick around…even though she didn’t explicitly say she would. The moving/not moving language used in City Folk is much more vague than it is in New Leaf.

When I visited Static, I found a sprinkler in his house. He’s watering his steel flooring?! Then again, maybe his gyroid just needed a bath. It did have spots all over it, after all.

Static uses a sprinkler to wash off his dirty gyroid.Savannah asked me to make a delivery to Aurora, and I agreed to help out. The package contained a blue sweatsuit, and Aurora’s eyes indicated she was reddy ready for it.

A red-eyed Aurora is surprised by the blue sweatsuit that Savannah sent her.I returned to Savannah and told her I made the delivery. She thanked me by giving me some kitchen flooring.

Fried Fossils

I saw a balloon present floating by today, so I got my slingshot out and shot it down. I didn’t time the picture precisely at the moment of impact, but here is the present falling to the ground. There was a fire flower inside.

Shooting down a balloon present.Benedict asked me to guess what he was into lately. I guessed fossils, and I was right! He told me was going to bread some and fry them! You’re supposed to work for Kentucky Fried Chicken, not Kentucky Fried Fossils!

Benedict: I'm gonna find me some fossils, bread them, fry them, and then eat them with ketchup.
What a strange bird.

I met up with Static near Forest’s northwest bridge, and he told me the hot weather has him ready for fireworks! Fireworks festivals are held each Sunday in August. They’re always a blast.

Static: Say, with the weather warming up, we must be on the edge of Fireworks Show season!When I ran into Savannah, she asked me to catch an angelfish for her. She said she hasn’t had any luck catching angelfish…or men. Awkward

Savannah: But I don't seem to be having any luck catching one, and men.Wendell was also nearby, and since he was starving, I gave him a catfish. In return, he gave me the “mystery circle C” pattern.

Wendell: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Th-thank you! Good food!
With so many O’s, I thought the alarm system caught me. 😉

I got my rod out and did some fishing to try to find an angelfish for Savannah, but I wasn’t having any luck. but I did find a key in the river!

I caught a key! ...Whose key is this?It belonged to Twiggy, so I returned it to her. She thanked me by giving me a tall droploid. She also called me the greatest friend she’s ever had…on Twitter.

Twiggy: You found my key! You are the greatest friend I've EVER had, on Twitter!Aurora still wasn’t packed up, so I think she must be sticking around a while longer. But nobody else mentioned moving either, so I’m still not sure what’s going on. Join me next time and we’ll see!