Happy Face

Today, Rowan approached me with an idea for a new nickname for me.

Rowan: OK, ready to have your mind blown? J-boo!Uh, no. I told him to use J-bot instead. I later saw Bob and a white cat over by the fountain.

A white cat (Blanca) and a purple cat (Bob) standing near my fountain.Of course, it was Blanca. She wanted a happy face, so I gave her one I got from Wal-Mart.

A smiley face design I made.I watered my flowers and found two new black roses today. I also went to the city to check for this week’s new emotions. Once again, there were no Frillard emotions.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?

Hello, Eloise

It’s Wednesday, so I went to the city to check Crazy Redd’s new items for the week. He had nothing good this time.

I then returned to Forest and started watering my flowers and talking to my neighbors. Kid Cat was telling me about a crazy dream he had.

Kid Cat: I had a dream that a fish came out of the water and started tap dancing on its flippers!A bit later, I ran into Del. He wanted me to deliver a present to Kid Cat.

Del: OK, so we're set. Just walk this over to Kid Cat's place, our secret!I saw a new house, and that means a new neighbor. It’s Eloise, the yellow elephant.

Eloise: You see, I just moved here earlier today, so my place is still a disaster, as you can see.Avery wanted me to find him some distinguished furniture. I didn’t really plan on going out of my way, but I saw Nook ‘n’ Go had a regal clock, and that sounded distinguished enough. I bought it and gave it to Avery; he gave me an azalea bonsai in return. I think he ripped me off.

Avery: Nice! I see something regal clock in your grubby little paws!I eventually ran into Kid Cat again and I gave him the present from Del.

Kid Cat: It's some ceramic tile! Sweet, I'm a hero!So I tracked down Del again to tell him the delivery was successful, and he rewarded me with steel flooring.

Del: So, yeah, thanks for your help! It isn't much, but take steel flooring as payment, our secret.At this point, I was tired of running errands for the animals so I ended my game for the night. I had one new black rose today.

Merlion the Third

I watered my flowers and found three new black roses today. Sweet! I also headed down towards the beach to meet up with Gulliver.

Gulliver: Have I finally done it? Have I finally found proof of intelligent life?!I gave him his spaceship part and he gave me a Merlion. This is my third one. I do like it though, and I could imagine eventually having a bunch of them in a room. They’re nice to look at, and the sound of the water flowing is relaxing also.

Three Merlions (and two manneken pis) all streaming water in my Gulliver room.