Golden Shovel

I dug up the shovel I buried last night, and indeed, it has turned into gold! A golden shovel, at least. Thanks to zeldaknowitall on Youtube for reminding me about this.

I got the golden shovel! What does it do?

I got a letter about the fishing tourney yesterday, congratulating me on my gallant efforts…even though I lost.

Nice effort, Jeff! You may not have won the contest, Jeff, but your gallant efforts won our hearts. See?! October 23rd TourneyInterestingly, the letter itself didn’t say who it was from. But the envelope said “From the Mayor.” So I guess I won Tortimer’s heart. Lucky me.

I spoke with Yuka, and she’s still asking me for chic furniture! She first asked me on October 15th, which was 9 days ago! I thought she would give up after a week, but that’s not the case. Hahaha, I don’t care how long it takes, I’m not going to help her. 😀

I ran into Bill outside of town hall tonight, so he did not move away after all. But it didn’t long for me to wish I would have let him go. First, he basically asked me if I was getting fat.

Bill: Hey, aren't you a little... Are you putting a little chub on, quacko?He accused me of blowing off his training regimen, to which I said “No I didn’t.” Then, he flat out called me a LIAR.

Bill: LIAR! You LIE, Jeff! And lying is almost as bad as getting chubbed out!He then said if I had been doing 100 ab-slaps a day, my stomach wouldn’t be so bulgy. Not only that, but he walked away steaming mad at me! Wow, the rudeness is off the charts.

Bill: If you were doing 100 ab-slaps a day, your belly wouldn't be so bulgy!He just made himself a new enemy. Baabara and Yuka can wait. Bill was practically begging for my pitfall seed. So I planted it and showed him the way. Six feet closer to where he can go.

Bill struggling to get out of a pitfall.I wanted him to suffer as long as possible, so I didn’t talk to him right away. I let him struggle for a few moments. But then he flipped out of the pitfall on his own. As soon as he did, I ran over and talked to him. But surprisingly, he wasn’t mad!

Bill: Hey, wassup, night owl? It's gotten pretty dark, huh, quacko.It’s an understatement to say I was disappointed. He deserves to suffer more than this. This isn’t over, duckboy!

I visited Static, and he was sick with a cold. Unfortunately, Nook’s shop was already closed, so I couldn’t buy him any medicine. I’ll have to get him some next time.

Static: Orggggggghh. I feel nasty. I think I'm gonna toss my chimichangas!At town hall, I made a 25,000 bell mortgage payment. I still owe Tom Nook 75,000 bells, though. I then headed up to the museum to donate a ptera body fossil and a cricket.

Pate asked me for a good name for her pet fish, and I chose Swimmy.

Pate: So, Jeff, do you know any good fish names? (Sweetie - Fido - Swimmy - Gill Boy - Fillet)But for some reason, she hated my suggestion and called it lame-o! Then don’t ask my opinion next time! What’s with all the ducking rudeness today?

Pate: What?! No way! I mean, sorry and all, but that's pretty lame-o.I then made a delivery, taking a night sky tee from Chevre to Baabara. Chevre rewarded me with 510 bells for helping her out. After that, I headed home and ended my game for the night. Maybe everyone will be in a better mood next time.

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