Margie Moved

I was very surprised and disappointed when I checked the mail today. Margie sent me a goodbye letter! She moved out without notice! 🙁

Dear Jeff, I'm moving out! Gonna see the world! Everyone in Forest was fun, but you were always the best! Good-bye! -Margie

Margie has been one of my favorites since she moved in over three years ago. Our last conversation was on Monday. She asked if I still had the photo she gave me, and I said “of course!” Her last words to me were “It’s like I gave you a little piece of my heart, and you kept it safe and warm!” 😢

It’s odd that I get more random move-outs when I’m playing more frequently. When you only play once a week (especially if it’s on the same day), you may find someone in boxes. But you can always talk to them and change their mind. I went a very long time without losing someone randomly. But when you’re playing more frequently, even skipping one day can cost you a favorite villager.

Anyway, I ran into Samson and he accused me of gaining weight, blowing off his training regimen, and lying about it.

Samson: LIAR! You LIE, Jeff! And lying is almost as bad as getting chubbed out!

So I pitfall’d the rude rat.

Samson falls into a pitfall.

Olivia told me that she could totally relax if she had a room full of white furniture. But she already has a room full of white furniture!

Olivia's room of white furniture.

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her some more medicine.

I shot down a balloon present and got a retro TV from it. But overall, it was a disappointing day in Forest. Margie left, no Saharah, no UFO, no spotlight product, and it seemed like everyone was in a bad mood.

Bunnie: I'm bored! Talking to you is boring. STOP BORING ME!

Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope so.

5 thoughts on “Margie Moved”

  1. The same thing happened to me with Mitzi in WW! I couldn’t check in for one day, and next thing I knew she was gone.

  2. a fun fact: in the Animal Crossing movie (which unfortunately was only released in Japanese deritory), Margie also moves out of the protagonist’s town, and interestingly, this movie is based on Wild World.

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