Flower Fest 2022

On Tuesday, I received a letter in the mail from Wishy. He sent me a blue corner.

Crazy Redd was not in town, because the Flower Fest is underway this week. Tortimer was standing outside of town hall, but only to talk about how much pain he was in. 🤷‍♀️

Tortimer: Oh, Jeff... I'm so tired. My feet ache from standing here all day...

Peanut was talking some trash, saying that she’s going to win the Flower Fest if I keep “slackin’.”

Peanut: I hope you keep slackin', 'cause then I'll win again this year!

Just about everybody was overconfident in their ability to win. At least they’re all such good sports about it.

Cyrano: Sunday's the last day! So just keep that in mind when you're losing, loser!

Deena insisted that I couldn’t possibly love flowers as much as she does.

Deena: But I seriously doubt that you love flowers as much as I do!

So I took a look at her flower garden, and…

A few wilted flowers outside of Deena's house.

She had a few flowers around her house, but not tons. And at least half of them were wilted! She thinks this is going to win the Flower Fest?! Good luck with that.

I gave Snake some more medicine on Tuesday, and then he was all better by today. He thanked me for all the medicine by giving me some cabana flooring. He also promised to make me some onion glutenizer soup the next time I got sick. Um, thanks but no thanks.

Snake: I'll make you my special Super Onion Glutenizer Soup, bunyip!

Bob was one of the few villagers not consumed with the Flower Fest. He was content to talk about steam baths and smooth skin.

Bob: That's where you sweat so much, it makes your skin nice and smooth.