Recycled Gift

Monday (September 25th) was Mitzi’s birthday, and I made sure to attend her party. I gave her a blue bench that I found in the recycle bin last week, and she seemed to enjoy it. She said she’ll treasure it forever…or until it breaks. 😆

Mitzi: I'll treasure this forever! Or until it breaks... Whichever comes first.
Does she know where I got it? 😉

Even though it was her birthday gift, Mitzi gave me a regal lamp in return. By the way, Peanut was the other friend at the party.

Peanut: Does this mean that Mitzi thinks we're equally important?!

Today, Jitters’s replacement moved in: It was Drift the red camouflaged frog. Years ago, I used to think Drift was ugly…but he has since grown on me. He’s pretty cool in my book.

Drift: Hey, nice to meetcha! I'm Drift!
Welcome to Forest. 🙂

Over by town hall, Bones and Dotty pinged me at the exact same instant.

Bones and Dotty both ping me at the same time.

I spoke with Bones first, and he offered to sell me a skull shirt for 380 bells. Since October is just around the corner, I thought it would be a good thing to wear for Halloween season.

Dotty had already forgotten whatever she was pinging me about, but I spoke with her anyway. She again asked me for new clothes, so I gave her the dawn shirt I had been wearing. She liked it, and she gave me 510 bells.

Dotty: Huh? You're giving me a dawn shirt? Truly, hulaaaa?

Eloise was sick with a cold this week, so I gave her some medicine Monday and yesterday. By today, she was feeling better, and she rewarded me with an exotic chair.

No More Jitters

On Wednesday, I was surprsied to find a goodbye letter from Jitters in the mail. He left without warning, and so soon too! He didn’t even last a full month in town.

Ooooo yeah, Jeff! Hey, yo! i gotta hit the road! There's another town that needs to see my totally huge guns! Get pumped! -Jitters

Dotty told me that all of her clothes shrunk, so she asked me to get her a new outfit. She said she didn’t care what kind.

Dotty: Sunshine! Look, I don't care what kind... Can you PLEASE get me a new outfit?

But when I gave her a jungle camo that I got from Wolfgang, Dotty refused it! She said it looked like a boy outfit. See, this is why I don’t often go out of my way to help villagers. 😠

Dotty: ...Um...HELLO? Yeah, total miss on this one. It kinda looks like a boy outfit...

Yesterday, Eloise asked me how her makeup looked. I told her it looked perfect, and that made her happy. She gave me a miniature car that she got at the makeup counter. Wait, why would they be giving out toy cars at the makeup counter? Oh well. I’ll accept the free gift regardless.

Eloise: Here! I got this for free at the makeup counter. It's a miniature car.

Today, Bones was doing the “you love me, you love me not” bit of dialogue. But I was messing with him when it was my turn to respond, alternating my choices and confusing him. 😛

Bones: You love me not. But you're not entirely sure about that, are you.
I love Bones, really. 🙂

As of today (Friday), no replacement for Jitters has arrived yet. But I’ll be sure to meet the eventual new villager next week. See you then!

Burger Madness

I received my latest HRA score on Thursday, and my score was 268,562 points. That means my score went down after adding my latest Gulliver item! Well, I did have to remove a villager photo (Caroline’s) to make room for the Moai statue last week. So apparently, a photo of a squirrel is worth more than an Easter Island statue.

Yesterday, Caroline told me she was looking forward to the Bug-Off coming up on Sunday. She could already picture everyone swinging their nets wildly…and all the net-whacking incidents. 😆 I think Caroline would feel at home in a mosh pit. 😛

Caroline: Ooo... And, of course, there are all the inevitable net-whacking incidents.

I found a free space suit (Spaceman Sam) in the recycle bin. 👍

Today, I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it had a coupon for a burger inside! Unfortunately, it was expired. Well, and Forest doesn’t have a hamburger place anyway.

IT'S BURGER MADNESS! 10 percent off every type of burger! Limit 1 coupon per customer. Expires 8/31. Closed Mondays

Eloise told me she hasn’t had a crush on anyone in a long time. She said she likes boys that are into volleyball and cooking. I guess she likes to be served. 😛

Eloise: A boy into volleyball and cooking! A hottie who'll cook me a hot meal!

I completed a couple of deliveries for my villagers, and then I went to the Roost. K.K. Slider was performing for his usual Saturday night show. I asked him for a random song, and he played K.K. Lullaby for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Lullaby!

I was hoping not to feel tired just yet, but he sure wasn’t helping with that choice. 😛