Beating Batman: Arkham City

I’ve been playing a lot of Batman: Arkham City the past week and a half. Even though I was only 32% through the story mode nine days ago, I have now finished the game. I actually didn’t realize I was that close to finishing it as I was playing tonight. But when I started my game back up, I had to take out a bunch of snipers; here you can see their laser targets criss-crossing the streets.

Batman: Arkham City screenshot - snipersIt’s so fun sneaking up behind snipers and using a silent takedown. This game has made stealth fun for me.

Silent takedown (Batman: Arkham City screenshot)After taking them all out, I headed into the theater for the final battle. I’ll try to avoid spoiling the game too much, but let me just say that the camera angles really gave me trouble in here. When you go into the corner of a room, Batman is completely out of the picture. So you can’t even see him, much less control him accurately. Obviously, I got the job done eventually, but the camera cost me several lives for sure.

After beating the final boss, I watched the short ending sequence and then the credits rolled. And rolled. And rolled! Are you kidding me? The credits rolled so slowly that it seemed they would never end. In all, it took literally 20 minutes. Almost exactly; to the second. That was not fun.

Anyway, even though I’ve completed the story mode, there is still much more to do and find in Arkham City. In fact, my total completion percentage is only at 39%. I haven’t decided if I’m going to try for 100% completion or not. But I’m certainly going to keep playing for a while longer; this is a great game and I don’t want to stop playing just yet.

Batman: Arkham City progress screenThat’s all for tonight, but be sure to come back. I’ll have a Kirby’s Adventure blog entry coming soon.