Small Turnip Spike

Just a short update for you today. Re-Tail was buying turnips for 142 bells each. That was pretty good, and I could have made a profit by selling my turnips. However, I decided to hang on a bit. I’m hoping for a huge amount so I really make some serious money. But with that said, I may go ahead and sell them tomorrow if the price is any higher than that.

Reese: Currently, I'm buying each turnip for 142 bells.In the Roost today, I had two out-of-towners come in for coffee: Lopez and Wendy.

Wendy: Coffee sounds SO good right now! I'll take a cup of the house blend!Crazy Redd was in town, so I took a chance on a scenic painting. I’ll find out tomorrow if it’s real or not.

Redd: I see! Ya seem to be really close to that scenic painting, yeah?Up in the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Tk from Utopia was my most recent dream visitor.

Big Top asked me for some medium-sized furniture, and I gave him a customized minimalist table that I had in storage. I was hoping for his picture of course, but he only gave me a green wardrobe in exchange.