Every Fish Caught!

Today, Teddy told me he wants clothes from Jingle on Toy Day. Yesterday, he told me he wanted something purple…so I’m guessing he wants purple clothes.

Teddy: Just between you and me, I want Jingle to bring me clothes.I also spoke with Kidd, and he mentioned that people think he and Tabby are cousins.

Kidd: Well, if I understand it right, people think we're cousins somehow.The most interesting part is that he didn’t deny it! Who wouldn’t deny being related to Tabby? Even if it was true! But he said he wants to protect Tabby’s privacy. Wow, I never would have guessed. You should have kept that info to yourself, Kidd.

Kidd: I've gotta protect Tabby's privacy, so I can't tell you anything else about this!Up on Main Street, Luna told me that Melina from Bluebell was my most recent dream visitor. And Gracie has a holiday dress available, in case anyone wants to dress up like a Christmas tree.

Gracie: A festive-tree dress, eh? This item is in pretty high demand. I wonder if you're worthy of it...Speaking of holiday clothes, Beth submitted a Christmas tree sweater and a girls’ Santa dress to the QR Codes page, so be sure to check those out if you want to feel festive.

From my main bridge, I spotted a large shadow in the river. I fished it out, and it was a stringfish. That’s my first one!

I caught a stringfish! My theory really paid off!Katrina was in town, so I paid her 500 bells to tell my fortune. She told me that an official top will be the key to avoiding disaster. I really don’t care about her fortunes that much… At this point, I’m just doing them so I can get her to open up her shop on Main Street. I’m not sure how many more fortunes I need, but I’ll be sure to let you know when it happens.

Katrina the fortune-teller tells me I need an official top to improve my luck.I then did some fishing in the ocean. After a while, I found what I was looking for: an oarfish!

Catching my first ever oarfish!That means I’ve now caught every fish in the game!

I've caught every type of fish!I took both of my new catches and donated them to the museum, but Blathers didn’t say anything about the fish collection being complete! My list (which I filled out after donating each fish) seems to be complete, so I don’t think I’ve missed donating one.

I noticed that the bulletin board on the outside of the museum lists fish and diving catches together, though. So maybe I have to catch all of the diving creatures as well before he considers that collection complete. I should also be getting a new badge from Phineas sometime soon, too.

In case you’re wondering why I was able to complete my fish collection when the loach is only out in the spring (March through May), it’s because I got the game early and started my adventure back in May. For the record, I do not time travel.

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